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Everything posted by YouveGotRedOnYou

  1. Myself and a friend appeared to have this exact issue today. We found a crashed chopper with weapons crate outside, we only started playing on the server yesterday and as it's a private hive and custom map I assumed this was relatively normal, so myself and my friend "filled our boots" only to be kicked seconds later. We now get kicked whenever we log on, no message is given however so there may be a different reason for this but is sounds alarmingly similar to shasocais problem above.
  2. Ditto for me too, it showed up in my filter but it died again.
  3. Out of interest how did you fix this mate, my friend is having the EXACT same issue and he got his copy from GoG too, he's reinstalled with no luck and there's nothing in his registry under Bohemia Interactive or Arma at all.