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Everything posted by douglasthew

  1. douglasthew

    Wartime on Colorado US 1450. [Story]

    Awesome write up about the epic firefight we had :D. I was the driver of the car and no we didn't have any plans of hunting people; I don't even remember what we were doing to be completely honest. As we were coming in to Vybor, the helicopter pilot reported he had spotted zombies in and around Pustoshka, so we changed from whatever we were doing and decided to check it out. We confirmed the zombie spawns and two of us with sniper rifles spread in to the bushes to provide them over watch. We heard shots fired soon after but couldn't pinpoint the location, and after several minutes, we decided to leave. That's when the helicopter pilot came back to pick up Mapleleaf_Medic and touch down to grab him. As we were leaving, and as I hit the gas on full to get over the bridge and out of there, I said over comms, "Oh look! A survivor," just as you popped up. Right after I said those words I was blapped in the face and flew out of the car LOL. Then that's when the rest of the story proceeded. Yeah, a bunch of us aren't too good with the helicopter guns, being as we haven't had much experience in the helicopter ;) But as dizzy said, feel more than free to hop on and chat or we can keep on shooting each other in a friendly war :)