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Fred West

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About Fred West

  • Rank
    On the Coast

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  1. Fred West

    Found AS50 with Thermalscope

    I completely understand frustrated admins who get the response "proof needed" when they want to ban a hacker. However, not everyone has the DayZ wiki memorized, and not everyone frequents these forums. If some random player finds a scripted in weapon on a kill, chances are they have no idea it's not supposed to be there - and there's the problem, by server banning anyone with a weapon like that, admins risk banning a completely legitimate player.
  2. Fred West

    Found AS50 with Thermalscope

    You don't have to drop it - it's more of a moral issue. Are you okay using a weapon which is vastly better than anything "normally" available in game? Are you okay knowing that whoever takes you down will be vastly better armed than most people? Some server admins will ban you for using it, in that case you should report the server to DayZ staff, as they're not allowed to ban for that reason. Yes the weapon is hacked in, no you're not breaking any laws using in, unless you're the one hacking it in. Again, moral issue, not "legal" one. edit: FYI I'm not at all advocating usage of this weapon if found, I just want OP to make up his own mind about what to do, instead of being mass guilt tripped by a bunch of people here going OMG DROP IT UR ARRESTED
  3. Because you ctrl+alt+del / kill the ArmA2 client while stuck on "Loading". When stuck on "Loading" you're technically on debug island, and when you join a working server, you'll be moved to a normal spawn point to not be stuck in the middle of nowhere.
  4. Fred West

    How did your most recent character die?

    Dropped from heli by hacker.
  5. So if you get killed by a hacker you're a "noob"? Get the fuck out.
  6. Fred West

    M24 or DMR?

    DMR and M24 fires the same bullet, doing the same damage. M24 has zeroing, DMR has 4x mag size and semi auto. Personal choice would be DMR, easily.
  7. Yeah, agree. I do not at all mind there being a mechanic preventing serverhopping/lootwhoring, but me trying to connect to a proper server (which happens in 1 of 6 tries or something) usually ends up with me back on the coast, having to run for another 30 minutes.
  8. Fred West

    Trading AS50s and ghillie suits

    Want - AS50 (+ ammo) and ghillie Have - DMR (+ ammo), GPS, M9SD Worrying about - safety/sincerity of trade!
  9. Sigh. Just came back to DayZ about a week ago. My character was ages old, was nicely decked out with GPS and whatnot, I've always been playing (too) carefully. Said week ago I convinced two friends to buy Arma2 CO to play DayZ with me, and lo and behold, no more than 2 hours on our third server (DE 322) some funbag teleported the entire server population under his helicopter, who promptly fell to our deaths. From what I gather these hacker threads pop up like shrooms after rain, but I'm gonna ask here anyway - what's the point? I kinda get "hacking" in gear for yourself, I mean, it completely ruins the point of the game, but at least you only get somewhat of an advantage over other players. Instakilling an entire server on the other hand, is it fun? I don't see the entertainment value. Isn't it more rewarding getting a kill if it's well earned? Preaching to the choir I'm sure, but then again, forums are made for whining.