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About insaneturtle

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  1. insaneturtle

    Mosin the pistol?

    can we have this, please?
  2. insaneturtle

    Gain humanity for murders.

    yall are stupid as fuck....... if the dude had negative humanity YOU GAIN humanity equal to the amount he had hence why your going up also its has all the murders and zombie kills from your past lives hence the negative 53k i still have around -20k here
  3. insaneturtle

    Clan [AURA] Still Recruiting

    In game name: cammor Location: Houston, Texas Experience: Three months Age: 16 Availability: all the time up until school starts then its week day afternoons and saturday and sunday Time available: it varies i run cross country so we have early meets for most of the next couple of months (once per week usually Friday) Time Zone: central Weapon preference: Sniper, or bait (not with all my items mind you) Additional information: very very chill, i have never been in a dayz clan but i have played in a mount and musket regiment. also i have all my items so i don't need handouts as for all the comp gear i pass on everything.
  4. insaneturtle


    honestly i never see anyone in this game. i only get sniped when i have literally all the gear i want/need by that i mean my m107 that camo gun whose name escapes me that is an assault rifle that has silence ammo m4a1 cco sd??????? m9 silenced gille and all the ammo i could ever need along with almost every special item (dont have the radio yet) i never die running across any clearing always in the forest under trees............ edit: oh yeah and medics would be kay with me aslong as i dont get shot in the face by one (then im out for blood. lots and lots of blood [none of the bagged variety].........)
  5. insaneturtle

    Gear Up Fast! Bandit Camp Location

    thanks artard247 good on ya mate (don't let them keep ya down)
  6. insaneturtle

    LU302 dupers camp location

    so turns out they found my body and hid it but the only thing i lost was my sniper.........
  7. insaneturtle

    LU302 dupers camp location

    naw i didnt and it appears that they may be mobalizing again cause i heard a bus or other big car and they have a heli circling now sniping time to shine man two dudes are ranskaking the fuck outta it should i shoot them??? edit: to late ones dead..... edit edit: woot they left the copter. nvm took it while i posted andddd they killed me XD srry span i just had to test out if i could hit you :( ehh your probably one of the doopers so SHIT SPAN WAS THE FIRST LEADER ON THE BOARD
  8. insaneturtle

    LU302 dupers camp location

    another duper camp at 018 050-051 enjoy edit: or i think its 018..... try in or around that one ill recheck just to be nice edit edit: yup and 018 036 is gone so new target established for ya edit edit edit: also plenty of gilles 2+ coyote back packs a ton of m249 rounds and two or more of them (fucking triple tents..... dont know how to loot em all) all the tools (sept range finder) uhhhhh no axes antibiotics as50 guns and rounds (only one left now XD) hrm spare repair shit....... uhhhhhhhh lots of other stuff too..... frags 1 satchel (thats mine don't pick it up jk) so yeah now im fully kitted out........ wat do i do now................. TO DOBRY HILL! (jk)
  9. insaneturtle

    LU302 dupers camp location

    bitches got a heilo don't they?
  10. dead here too.... just logged for a game and bam the excat same thing as op except for gear items and clothing (camo here...)
  11. edit: oops didnt see that they were closed....
  12. insaneturtle


    man i spawned into a game with negative 24k humanity. i havent even killed anoyone yet........
  13. insaneturtle

    Killing unarmed players

    you havent been on the receiving end of a noobs axe have you? i have.... three times.... trust me they are just as cold blooded as i
  14. so what you really want is a quick score on some good loot eh......