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Everything posted by william4

  1. the buildings and cities are wide open with nothing over them and the moon and stars provide at least enough light for me to see some what around me, at this point i see nothing but a black screen. I understand it would be dark and much darker in the forest area but a large city with moon light and stars reflecting off of them with nothing towering over head would give some visabilty. It pretty clear you just like playing with a black screen which seems odd to me that anyone wants to play with a black screen. I was in the US army and did ruck marches through the middle of forestw of North Carolina Fort Bragg with no city lights for miles i could still manage to see people in front of me an around me at no time was i ever so blind that i couldnt at least make out somethings around me.This was in the middle of a forest that is extremly dense , so much so you couldnt hardly see the sky and stars. Just not seeing the realism at this point in the game. Blind does not equal dark.
  2. Its funny because people keep saying " i go into a forest at night time and its pitch black " well most of the time im not in the forest at all im running along a paved road or running around a town all of which is not covered by any trees. yet at night its 100% dark , its not even a game at that point its a black screen. So really your trying to compare a extremely dense real life forest to this game which has no extreme dense forest. Even in towns with big shinny refletive buildings , roads , cars and once again nothing over head the game is still 100% dark , its closer to being blind then some what dark. So in other words stop saying really dense forest is any thing like wide open refeltive buildings its just dumb.
  3. william4

    Build 1.5.8 rolling update

    The up date should be this * dayz_code 1.5.8 * dayz_equip 1.2.4 * dayz_sfx 1.1.2 * dayz 1.2.5 * dayz_weapons 1.1.2 but at the download page it looks like this DayZ_Changelog.txt 21-May-2012 22:21 24064 dayz_anim_v0.1.rar 15-May-2012 06:14 32782149 dayz_code_v1.5.8.1.rar 21-May-2012 22:39 139444 dayz_equip_v1.2.4.rar 21-May-2012 22:21 14866900 dayz_sfx_v1.1.1.rar 21-May-2012 22:21 30288650 dayz_v1.2.5.rar 21-May-2012 22:21 11080317 dayz_vehicles_v0.1.rar 15-May-2012 06:14 5611547 dayz_weapons_v1.1.1.rar 21-May-2012 22:21 14276475 the sfx and weapons files have different version numbers.
  4. Yeah i hate playing with no name tags, In real life i know what my friends look like and i know what a stranger looks like in this game everyone looks the same. So untill everyone can 100% customize the look of the chracter they are playing how am i suppose to know if your friend or foe you all look the same. But i also think name tags should have a very limited distance, maybe no longer then 50 meters.