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Everything posted by Fryster

  1. Fryster

    Stuff in tents is gone

    Oh, come on! Tents suck big time, everyone knows that. You might have been followed and your tents could have been looted. It's an alpha, and besides, it's a game mechanic - everything can get lost/stolen, so you won't get reimbursed anyway. I spawned in wilderness with lots of equip and no water/food, but shit happens, don't get too attached to your stuff or you won't be able to have fun.
  2. Fryster

    Passworded Server?

    Yeah, there are passworded servers that have like 3 or 4 players playing. Obviously they loot airstrips unhindered to log on populated servers and wreak havoc later. I'd like to see those players reset and those servers (well, their passwords) removed so everyone can play and have a fair game.
  3. Fryster

    Passworded Server?

    Well, there's plenty of passworded servers except this one. Are they to be reported?
  4. Fryster

    Berezino - A story

    I second that. I'd like to know what happened next.