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About LO-GOD

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    On the Coast
  1. LO-GOD

    DayZ Stories

    So here goes my second venture in the world of chernarus ... so far i had only seen a bunch of farmhouses a few Zs here and there but nothing much, playing for the first time i decided i was going to try to be a good natured survivor... you know the good samaritain type, after passing through Komarovo by the docks and looting a few cans of coke and food from that awesome industrial building by the water BTW i love to loot that building its very safe most of the time. So i continued my journey not having a map or compass i decided to follow the water so i could have a landmark to refer myself to in case of trouble .. then BAM! i start seeing all these buildings and zombies, needless to say i was a amazed . I stop by the sign just to realize.........uhmmm yeah I DONT READ CYRILIC!!!!! snap(didnt know about the dayz db map yet). I was scared shitless to enter the town (later discovered it was balota or sum ) . Wanting to lend a helping hand to anyone i could , i started to mash the caps lock every few seconds to see if theres was anyone out there....DEAD silence no noise no gun shots. weird server is full maybe everyone was somewhere else. I see a big strip and some buildings in the distance so i decide to investigate , zombies start popping out of everywhere WTF!!!!! i jump prone to crawl through them to get to the other side but it was taking really long so I turn too look back coast is clear good, i turn around and bamm 3 zeds incoming my way ... NO WAY THROUGH dammm gotta make a run for it . The three of them start chasing me like wiggly madd men finally get into the building turn around i take them out with the hatchet while they surround me and i start to bleed , i finish em off quickly then bandage myself . i see some more coming closer to the door .... gotta peace outta hear. so i start to make my way across to the other twin buildings when all of a sudden.... pow pow pow i hear three shots ring from the right i quickly drop n roll behind a broken vehicle . I was sure someone was shooting at me... maybe not i must just be paranoid. then i notice a bunch of tents with medical logos in the direction that seems to good to pass up havent seen these yet i realise the area is fenced offf so i make my way crawling around the side in the dirt . open 1 door CHECK. open the second one CHECK. open the third door still ok zeds havent noticed me and no one in sight . i make my way to the right deer stand get up and i find my first ak YAY!!!!! salvation ... im on a hot streak still alive and kicking. then i notice some guy being chased by zombies runs up the deer stand across from . He was bleeding so i yell at him that i can support and finish off the zombies that were chasing him . So then he turns around and..... BANG i get shot in the face ......GREAT!!! it really hard playing a ``good`` character my only salvation was that when was falling off the deer stand bleeding out form head trauma is that he aggroed all the zombies around him and were going to go up the stairs mangle him and to the nastiest things to him . i could see nothing all i could hear is was the screaming pain coming out of his mic ahahahahahha lulz KARMA is bitch . learned my lesson pretty quickly keep your iron sights on anyone you see before saying anything or moving TRUST ME. LO-GOD(atlas3030)