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About [email protected]

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  1. since duping has been fixed, this is the correct time for a full wipe
  2. what about cars disappearing or turning into other cars after svr restart?
  3. how about pre configuring the servers with BEC installed and make it possible to have ANNOUNCED, SCHEDULED server restarts?
  4. how about pre configuring the servers with BEC installed and make it possible to have ANNOUNCED, SCHEDULED server restarts?
  5. hi, nice. how about if you would pre configure the servers with BEC installed and make it possible to have ANNOUNCED, SCHEDULED server restarts?
  6. kill it with fire! this patch sucks. i hope you will fix the vehicles and tents soon. pls do a full database clean up in order to let all the bugged vehicles, tents and hacked items disappear.
  7. so many hacked weapons, bugged tents and server with 20+ offroad pickup trucks. i hope we get another cleanup!
  8. will inaccesable tents be inaccesable forever or can it be fixed?