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About Sarjke

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    On the Coast

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  1. Sarjke

    Debug plains

    Hello. i am in the debug plains. My friend took me on helicopter back to the mainland, but after death i am still there. Today i ran all this 30km on my foot. And guess what? After relogging i am BACK TO THIS DEBUG PLAINS! What to do?
  2. i did, but moderator didn't approve my topic hahaha... Hope WarZ will start soon..
  3. Hello! Recently been playing on DE 545. Found a Helicopter and were stalking near it. Suddenly a group of 2+ people appeared and tried to kill us. We killed them. In 10 minutes they were back with exactly same gear they had when we killed them. My friend got immediately banned for "combat logging" but he was online all that time (how would we kill them if he was d\c lol?). Half an hour later they came again with Soldier skin (http://puu.sh/Q7y5) and tried to kill us again. They shot me, but i was still alive, bandaged myself... and guess what? I got banned for the same reason.(Screen: http://puu.sh/Q7tQ) Admins did that to have our full repaired helicopter i suppose. And admins who are cheaters really should be banned. Thank you. upd. nicknames of bad guys: sirCronos, CE Snyder, DoP Preius, DoP-Sclicson