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iperivan (DayZ)

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Everything posted by iperivan (DayZ)

  1. iperivan (DayZ)

    [TRADE] Coyote Backpacks

    Hi everybody, What I offer: Multiple Coyote backpaks What I need: Any kind of rare weapons or military stuff (crash sites magazines, range finders and so on) Make an offer of any kind, I'll be happy to trade with you. pm me for more info.
  2. iperivan (DayZ)

    [TRADE] Coyote Backpacks

    I don't know what's wrong with trading my backpacks. However if you are not interested you can simply leave this topic.
  3. iperivan (DayZ)

    [TRADE] Coyote Backpacks

    What do you mean with dupe? (i'm not english, so i don't know how should it be ment) However I have more than one, that's why I want to trade, nothing wrong with that.
  4. iperivan (DayZ)

    TRADE AS50

    Hi survivors, What I have: AS50 + 4 Mags M107 ( 40 bullets) What I need: DMR + 2 ghillie suits Contact Me in private for more info
  5. iperivan (DayZ)


    Hi survivors, What I need: Ghillie Suit What I offer: NV Goggles GPS CZ550 + 5 mags Choose one of this and contact me for more details. Carry with you 1 secondary gun (in case of zombies) and 1 of your friends to cover you (no snip rifle). Be honest, if you don't comply these terms you may get shot. I can even add you on skype.
  6. iperivan (DayZ)


    sorry you can choose only one :D