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About dstuti7

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    On the Coast
  1. Hi there, I know this has been raised in other posts, but so far I cannot see any recognition there is an issue, or a resolution (of course the Devs are busy, but so are server admins at present!) Running on with the following build 95913, little background to the situation: - Helicopter found, repaired and flown back to base while on previous Day Z release - Battle Eye Script restriction kicks pilot out of chopper, him and other occupants die a horrible death - Chopper not seen since, server running for around 11 days since 'the accident' I've read conflicting information on the forums, and other suggestions that we're not supposed to know the dynamics of the loot cycle etc; but the issue is I have a user base that are asking questions around where the helicopter they worked on went to, and I don't have any answers. Is it 7 days? Does the script restriction issue have any bearing on the respawn? The server has of course being restarted a couple of times, does this restart the loot cycle? The second issue since updating that has been reported is that vehicles are randomly being turned into cycles on a server restart, with the original vehicle back at I can only presume the location it was left before the update, since then people have had long trips back up north to find the vehicle where they started out. An example of this - - Riding a motorcycle, crashed into a lake (lol) bike eventually blows up and disappears, this was on previous day z release - Motorcycle not in original spawn location, nor sited anywhere else on the map, wind forward a week - Update carried out to Userbase find a Civilian Carrier at the quarry, fix up and take back to Story - Server restarted this evening with new battle eye scripts.txt, motorbike appears in story next to an Ural that has actually stayed around for a while! - Civilian carrier reported missing, found later at quarry - Server restarted on schedule, Ural used to go check for civilian carrier has turned into a cycle bike, and still no helicopter I can really appreciate that it is all go for the Dev's at the moment, but as mentioned it is for us and I don't know where to turn to. Posts on this forum are clouded with so many different reports that it must be impossible to correlate events I know - but there never seems to be any recognition of an issue from any type of authority. To date, I have spent more time actually parsing logs, checking for hackers, banning hackers, restarting the server, dealing with questions from my user base that I cannot answer, mitigating skiddie udp floods after a ban, than I have actually playing the game! I know the mod is in alpha, and server admins appreciate this by dedicating resource & money to provide the data and bug reports needed, but at present there is no information coming back to assist us in trying to get a smooth user experience. I've known of 3 people personally that have stopped playing until the game plays like it did 2 or 3 weeks ago; and these are people that contribute towards the cost of running a server. Without a smooth user experience people will be just reluctant to contribute in a positive manner to the development of the game. Please can we just have some clarification around what, if anything, we need to do to resolve this?
  2. Hi there, The clan on my server are reporting that vehicles and tents are no longer spawning - after a server restart they came back, but are now after another restart (server crash) the bus and Ural they had turned into a single push bike. They are also reporting after a 7+ day wait for a helicopter respawn nothing appears to be there in the reported locations. I've heard this behaviour may be related to intermittent problems with the main DB, but I cannot confirm if that to be true or not based on the forums I am running beta patch 95833 and latest build - have any other people seen or heard any similar reports? Any advice to rectify the issue would be greatly appreciated - I've got some angry people asking me to sort it after patching it! Cheers
  3. Hi, I have received an email from Day Z reference the server update, but when I go to the download link I can only see some outdated time stamps on the files - the only one is @Hive that appears to be have been released today? I am making this alot harder than I should be I think! Cheers
  4. dstuti7

    BETA 95819 is out. Any issues??

    Thanks Falcon, much appreciated!
  5. dstuti7

    BETA 95819 is out. Any issues??

    I've made a post in server general but think here might be an idea too - my server is reporting (via DayZ commander) that I am running 95824 - I am right in saying this is a later patch than 95819? Looking at the numbers I would guess so! The server seems to be running OK with no reported issues I am really sorry for coming across so dumb but Im struggling to get my head around required version numbers etc etc - if anyone can clarify that would really help. Do you guys manually apply the patch - is there any method best for this? Cheers and again apologies!
  6. Hi there, Apologies if this has been covered before however my search terms come back slightly lacking in content. I am running a server and have been for around 2 weeks or so. After the initial deployment (which went quite smoothly in all respects) the day after I received an email to update to update dayz and install beta patch 95389 (or at least that version) This was completed without issue and server has been ticking along OK. Yesterday a colleague of mine mentioned a new patch had come out (97777 or similar) and I should update client and server. This was completed however I believe was quickly replaced by 95819, so I have installed that server side. However via dayz commander the server is reported as running 95824 & Six updated keeps reverting my client install to 95417; to workaround the difference I set the required build to that of the client. Would someone be able to cover off the best process to update server/client files, what version I should actually be running and are there any tools I could use to help with the update process? My background is only really in networking so this server side stuff is getting a little all over the place - just need a little direction if at all possible! Thanks in advance for any advice or help