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Everything posted by cheersBrand

  1. Edit: Deleted. Everyone who reads this now, is too late.
  2. Sorry. Maybe it's my bad english, but I don't understand your question. Can you rephrase it? There are no more fraps recorded gameplays.
  3. hey novac. this is how they killed you.
  4. Another perspective starting in north of kamyshovo, waiting for the bus. we guess that the guy we overrolled is the killer of novac. he had an thermal vision.
  5. Satchel is at 13:20. Have fun.
  6. Thanks for the vid! Here is a vid of one of our guys (he splitted from group), recording the Satchel exploding (that Masis mentioned) Edit: a 22 min video is following!
  7. Lol, word. If we can't do it in real life, why not experience this in video games. That's what they're made for. Being someone else. Haters need to admit that this was fun for every participant, except those not knowing they participate.
  8. Wow. I really did not notice that so many people are really on this server. So it was a grenade launcher. haha we were fucking surprised in teamspeak. everyone was panic :D Edit: Post above me. No, there is a difference. It is something else when you know more than people around you. And it is interesting to observe their reactions and behavior, especially when they are in your teamspeak.
  9. You post it? Do you mean the video on youtube? That would be fucking awesome. I could send it to my people. That would be awesome mindfuck.
  10. Thanks for your feedback. I thought nobody is following anymore. So it was you.. That makes this evening even more worth. What u mean exactly? Why I tell you the server even I don't record a video? Not really sure. Maybe because I hate people disconnecting in PvP. They deserve to be followed. Or do you mean something else?
  11. The heli is gone. There was a rocket launcher or something like this killing 4-5 of our people. Everyone has logged out. Some did not die but are still alive. They are on "DE 187" now (there it is night) I am offline now. Thanks for you participation. Bad luck i did not see any of you killers, so there is no interesting video. Ps: A very interesting evening anyway. My "friends" still don't know about this thread and I think they will never know. Maybe I try this again at the next event. Haters gonna hate.
  12. Yep we killed two people already. I warned you they are equipped good. nearly everyone has a ghilly and good weapons. We start our route in ~5 minutes. Route on map is shown in the link .. see 3 above this. Edit: we were attacked by a grenade launcher, in north of kamyshovo. we take another route now. one of our mates in still there. keep on trying!^^ EDIT: WE CROSSED POLANA RIGHT NOW Update 21:30: We crossed Gorka Update 21:33: Lol 2 snipers on a hill. one of us is dead. good job. 3 are going to hunt you now Update 21:38: We did not find the snipers. we continue to air field. Update 21:51: In wilderness somewhere west of big airfield. i guess nobody is following my updates. so i stop updates (write a post if u need more update). ... we lost only 2 people. mission failed :/ may the loot begin we see a helicopter cycling
  13. I will edit THIS post here when we started the bus. We will definitely cross Solnichniy and kamyshovo Update 20:29: Still waiting for one member. He is afk. But I think within 10 minutes we start. Update 20:31: Some names of players I know:*deleted* *deleted* Update 20:35: The member arrived. Waiting for him to download newest beta patch -_- Update 20:40: We start now. I update for every town we cross. But I think until we leave Berenzino it will take some minutes again. Update 20:43: We fuel one bus right now... sorry for the delay Update 20:51: I think until kayshovo it will be 20-30 minutes. We are will be in 5 minutes in berenzino. Its hard to coordinate so many people. ALso for us germans.. ^^ FINAL UPDATE: WE LEFT BERENZINO. BUS IS ROLLING. NO MORE COMMENTS BECAUSE FRAPS IS RUNNING. HF
  14. I saw the motorcycle too. it passed berenzino.
  15. We start in ~10 minutes. Teamspeak is hell right now. All in one Channel. At the moment 17 People. Will be more later on.
  16. Yeah. You are exactly right. If they could beat me, I would never do this. And just by the way - earlier or later they will die anyway die. Everyone dies in DayZ.
  17. This is a game. In real life I'd had some really hard moralic problems with that. But this is something I can just do within a game - and nowhere else. Of this somehow sucks and your post really makes me feel bad a little bit, but on the other hand I want to see how it feels. It's kind of experiment. Nobody else is doing this and I want to test it. I want to try something in a virtual game that I could never do in real life. ps: Im out now going to participate. See you - or see you not. Think about it what you want. I won't post here anymore (just the youtube link if the video is gonna be good.).
  18. What other possibilites I have. There is no time to organize anything else so I post it where people can read it. They are ingame already to prepare and the possibility they read this is low. But of course there is the possibility. I risk it.
  19. It will start in exactly one hour from now.
  20. Sounds good. But don't forget that we collect people on the way. So there could be some delay regarding our arrival time. Not all germans are on time.