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About Falconrockateer_

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  1. Falconrockateer_

    Hotfix Build Rolling Update

    Gotta give props that this update looks like a winner! I can now play again (couldn't get onto servers since and loading up was very fast for me. Vehicles and tents saving too, looks like we're headed in the right direction. IMO rocket should take his time on 1.7.3 and release that when its ready, not worry about any more hotfixes unless this latest update creates some unknown bug
  2. Falconrockateer_

    Pending Update: Build

    I think everybody cheering for a hive wipe is forgetting that hackers can spawn in whatever they want anyway. and it seems hacking isn't gonna be fixed til standalone, so there's really no point in wiping the hive. And why is everyone fawning over this update? If it goes like the last couple hotfixes, nothing will be fixed and a few more things will break (I haven't been able to join servers since So let's just wait and see how it goes before we party?
  3. Falconrockateer_

    Stuck at loading

    Doesn't seem to be doing it for me. Oh well glad you got it fixed- I'm out until standalone I guess. Or at least the next patch, if that fixes it
  4. Falconrockateer_

    Stuck at loading

    I had a problem before where my BEClient.dll would keep reverting to an older version and so I decided to try manually replacing it today as I've done before. Didn't help. I've given it a few tries and been patient but I'm getting pretty freakin discouraged. The new patch literally made the game unplayable for me and it's been a coupla weeks now. I support rocket and love the mod but that last patch sucked. and not doing anything about it for weeks sucks. Yeah yeah it's an alpha but that shouldn't mean updates that break the game get a free pass :(
  5. Falconrockateer_

    Stuck at loading

    The same thing has happened to me, started about the day after the latest patch came out (could play fine at first) and I haven't been able to play since
  6. Falconrockateer_

    how much RAM does Dayz require?

    He has "4 or 5" GB of RAM, and 7 GB of ROM. RAM is random access memory, ROM is read only memory, they are two different things. Anyway the recommended RAM space for arma 2 OA is 2 GB, so you have plenty. Also recommended is 7 GB hdd space, etc. So you should be able to run it fine, though probably not with the video settings at high EDIT: if eule is right and you mean disk space, yeah 8 GB is way too low.
  7. Falconrockateer_

    Gave me warning for writing "k."

    Living right up to your name, I never understood what the point of posting comments like that on forums was, the only thing it accomplishes is making the poster look smarmy :/
  8. Falconrockateer_

    back at the beach.....PoS game

    The alpha excuse doesn't mean the bugs don't need fixing. But it'd be nice if people would point out bugs and discuss them without so much whining :|
  9. Falconrockateer_

    Totally lost any faith I had in Rocket/dev team

    Totally agree and I'm pretty frustrated with the last 2 patches myself but I try to be understanding. It's a small mod team with a small amount of testers, there's no way to predict how an update will go for a million people. Perhaps a solution would be to release patches to something like 20 servers not connected to the main hive and letting players test the patch for a weekend before trying it out on the whole system?
  10. Falconrockateer_

    Totally lost any faith I had in Rocket/dev team

    For everybody that's saying: This is just too much! the game is broken it's unplayable. Then don't play it! Find another game to play, and come back to DayZ when it's standalone and out of alpha. Or don't come back, whatever you prefer
  11. Falconrockateer_

    My first Humanity WTF?

    Does anyone know at what humanity you get a hero skin?
  12. Falconrockateer_

    rant story rant story

    Like how you referred to the artifacting as modern art lol! and I feel your pain, today I updated to Thinking the same thing, and then I spawn on the coast. At elektro. I'm not gonna tell my whole long story but suffice it to say, due to some bugs I wasn't having before besides the fact that it spawned me at elektro, I'm now lying in the back of a supermarket unconscious and bleeding out :/
  13. Falconrockateer_

    receiving bug

    The new update caused me to spawn on the coast, and this problem keeps almost killing me while i'm being chased by zombies. Playing around with my video settings doesn't seem to help and I've seen a number of threads on this but no answers. It's ruining the game for me and I fear it's gonna kill my 18 days alive character (started him my 3rd day of playing) soon..
  14. Falconrockateer_

    Bicycle can have backpacks

    Backpacks? No, that'd make no sense in a game that tries to be fairly realistic. A Pannier would be nice though, nothing much though, I think something like 12 slots would certainly be fair
  15. Obligatory- http://cdn.memegenerator.net/instances/400x/21715223.jpg