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Everything posted by mattt*

  1. Hello guys, as many players, i have got performance problems. First here is my rig : I7 920 @ stock (Turbo enabled, HT off) Noctua NHU-12P SE 2 3 GB DDR3-1333 MSI HD7950 OC TF III 4/3 LCD screen (:<) With vsync off, i get between 25 fps (cities) and 100 fps (forest). On some servers, i can get decent 45 fps in cities. My CPU usage is around 50%+ and my GPU same with almost every GPU related settings maxed out and every CPU related settings at minimum. Also, when i move the camera around with free look, i get FPS drops. Are these performances normal with such a processor or can i tweak anything to improve them ? I would prefer to avoid OC on my processor as i dont need it for any other games but does pushing it to 3.6/3.8 Ghz would improve my performance and to what extent ? Thanks for your help.
  2. I have seen that the SA will have plenty of outfits type (jogger shoes, jeans, sportswear etc...). I don't know if they have already planned it but it would be awesome that outfits are changing the attributes of the character i.e : Rangers = faster in the forest/plain Sports shoes = faster on road Jeans = less comfortable, harder to move Army pants = better everywhere Rain coat = less cold, not full of water but too hot when sun is up etc...
  3. mattt*

    Outfits affect the way you play

    TROLL + I guess you have never done sports then (if you mean it really). With nike sport shoes (not for trail but for standard running), you wouldn't be able to run on humid grass or full of water ground without falling (on cliff etc... not when it's flat). And in the same way you wouldn't be able to run as fast on asphalt with rangers as with sportshoes...
  4. mattt*

    Outfits affect the way you play

    Well,if it is raining or if it's fresh morning and if you have sportshoes on, you won't be able to run, you will slide all the time and fall down (in real life). With rangers, it would be totally different and you would be able to run as fast as during a normal day.
  5. To my mind it would be good to delete most of military stuffs. Indeed, if players wanna play army-like, they have Arma 2 or 3 for this. In a zombie apocalypse scenario, who would be able to pilot a chopper ? Who would be able to get some military snipers as the as 50, moreover in Chernarus Russia ? Almost nobody ! I think that the only weapons which should be available are : CZ550 Mosin-Nagant (any variant) Winchester Double-barred shotgun AK variants Uzi SA58 Tokarev TT33 Nagant M1895 SVT-40 Well mostly WW2 weapons which are still common in EAST Europe countries. Also, no more rangefinder or NVG. For exemple, to replace NVG, headlamps would be awesome. Well i'm waiting for a realistic zombie apocalyspe game and not a disguised FPS as the mod is atm. It's really boring to be 1 shot killed from 400 meters without having a chance to survive. In such a scenario (epidemia apocalypse or economic revolution etc...) someone who has a mosin would be really well armed and have a big advantage. Atm in Dayz, someone with a lee enfield is like a bambi...
  6. mattt*

    Less military stuffs

    Two scenarii are possible : 1 - The outbreak start in Chernarus. After few hours, most of people there have been infected and there is no antidote available in the world : to solve the problem, they nuke the region. End of the story ! 2 - The outbreak starts anywhere else (worldwide) : every states and institutions are in deep shit, most of people are dying or being infected. The authorities are trying to fight the infection and are using all their ammos to defend themselves in the first days of the outbreak. Now there are two sub-scenarii possible : 2.a ) Dayz takes place any days after, most of people are dead and the calm is back... with wandering zombies and several survivors ((like 25% of the population) who escaped the infection rush. Cities are full of zombies and guns (on the ground or on corpses) and some ammos are still left. Forest and plains are most of the time free of zombies 'cause cities are still full of dead corpses (with meat) so they didn't start to migrate. 2.b ) Dayz takes place any weeks/months/years later, 95% to 98% of people are dead, dead corpses have been eaten, no more food for zombies in the cities. They have already started to migrate to new places to find food (animal instinct). Every places are now full of zombies (20% in cities, 80% everywhere else). Every lootable places have been looted, cities have been visited by the first wave of survivors and most of weapons/ammos have been taken and used. Survivors can still find plenty of weapons in good/average/bad state (not more concentrated in cities but now in plain or forest too) but ammos are really really rare. Depends the backstory of the SA but developpers don't have much choices...
  7. mattt*

    An idea to increase teamwork

    What would be good is that there is a big amount of zombies on the server (4000 or even more) and that every shot can attract zombies which are 300 meters around. It means that every shot could be death anywhere on the map if the 300 meters perimeter around the player shooting is not clear enough or if the shooter is not well organised. If you add the fact that ammo are rarer, it could be really for a bandit to make a choice between using his 1 AK mag to kill 2 survivors and maybe 20 zombies coming around him.
  8. mattt*


    The idea of different backpack sizes is great but i have thought about something that could add some interesting extras. Iindeed, in real life, if you take a backpack and you put everything inside without organising it, 1st it will be harder to find what you are looking for and second, you won't be able to put as many things inside as you could if everything was at the perfect place with the perfect position. I have then thought about a system of square which represent the space available in the backpack (as the Reseident Evil 4 inventory). Every item has a different shape and has its own square size, if you set everything good, you will be able to take more things but if you are totally unorganised, you won't be able to use 100% of your backpack capacity. I don't know how to explain it better so get a look at the picture below : You can also check this youtube video (havent found a better one) : I guess you will understand so YES, it means more time in the inventory but YES it means more realism, in a real situation, you would need to get the backpack off your back, open it, and try to put an item inside without loosing too much place. You couldn't take 3 soda cans + 5 food cans and 2 gun magazines in 3 seconds...
  9. mattt*


    It wouldn't be like Tetris. You would have on the left part of the screen your backpack with squares and what is inside, on the right side of the screen the items which are on the ground or in your primary/direct inventory (Tabbed browsing to switch). You would have to choose which item you want to put in your bakpack and then choose its position inside the backpack and the place where it goes. Of course, if you want to sort items which are already in your backpack, you will have to right click the item(s) to put them on the ground (reprensented byt the right part of the screen) and re-put the item(s) in your backpack, choosing the best position/place for it/them.
  10. mattt*

    Less military stuffs

    Not me who started with the bambi word...
  11. mattt*

    Less military stuffs

    All the weapons i have listed are weapons that you might find in russia. And it's not about being a Bambi... If you dare speaking with such arrogance is because either you always play in a group, either you stay hidden in the forest 24/7. And of course, you can look around when you are a 1 hour spawn without binocular mister "please team, come pick me up with the heli near elektro cause i got killed"... In the current mod, if you are alone on a 30 players server, you get killed in less than 5 hours unless if you stay in a tree... but a quick look in your sig and i see EXTRA VEHICLES, you are probably a guy who plays on idiot 400 vehicles servers and shoot on sight even on Bambis (cause Bambi means unarmed and not noob). Also, for info, the weapons i have listed are not more military weapons as they are not used in any army anymore, they are used for hobbies (collecting or shot schools) and you won't find them on any warfield (unless AK variants in poor countries...).
  12. mattt*

    Less military stuffs

    Ye you are right, but i meant "no modern military stuffs" as noticed by Terminal Boy.
  13. Hello guys, Today i have installed Dayz2017 to try it, i had never heard about it before. I have really been surprised, the game is really smooth and fps are almost as good as Arma 2 OA. I have heard that the game is harder than the vanilla and unfortunately there are not many players. For all players who can't run Arma 2 properly and have stopped playing the vanilla for these reasons, you could try this mod of the mod while you are waiting for the standalone.
  14. mattt*

    Dayz2017 and performance

    Ye, first looting attempt in elektro this evening, i had just an axe, i died. It looks like zombies are a biggest threat in this mod.
  15. mattt*

    Less military stuffs

    Well it's almost like this in the mod right now. If you fresh spawn on a server with more than 10 players, you have high chances to die before getting away from Cherno/Elektro...
  16. mattt*

    Graphical lag/stutter

    I doubt that the issue is HDD related... The only difference he will see if he changes his game location is a faster map/game load but once the environment is loaded no difference will be seen between different Hard Drive technology. I have a 7200 rpm HDD (Western Digital Caviar) which is fast enough for this game (as SSD didn't exist yet and Velociraptors were costing too much for most of users when the game has been released). I also have FPS drop issues when i move around, not as much as you do but i still have stuttering which is boring... if anyone has a fix for this, it would be good.
  17. mattt*

    CPU/GPU usage and overclocking

    If you wanna learn how to overclock, check this guide : http://www.techreaction.net/2011/01/04/3-step-overclocking-guide-%E2%80%93-sandy-bridge-v0-1beta/
  18. mattt*

    why are so many children playing this game?

    It seems you are immature cause i don't know anyone mature who would say "i have the same maturity of a 16 years old". That's so childish... How can you know if you are more or less mature than any other 13 years old child ? I have been playing online videogames for 6 years now, every player who was less than 18 i have met was childish... There is no exception, when you are x years old, you are as mature as a x years old person, that's all. And yes, it's boring to have retarded child yelling around on the global voice channel (while enabled) in a game like DayZ. Also, games like COD and BF are completely ruined because of child playing it. To play a game where 50%+ of the community is under 18 is so boring for an adult, you can't imagine it... That's why we (as adults) stopped playing these games...
  19. Survivor difficulty level : 1 - Get rid of all the military equipment (military weapons, NVG, Grenade smoke or frag, Range finder etc). nb : as GPS is common on the civilian market, the fact that it is present is not that unreal. 2 - Set 1 shot kill (head/chest) as in reality. 3 - Weapons available : rifle (any types as kar, lee enfield etc; AK is the only type of assault rifle available as it is common in Russia - ex URSS, no ACOG or anything, standard aim type), revolver, glock, CZ sniper only. 4 - Underground basement. All this to avoid the "i snipe you from 1000 meters" of the current game, for players who really want a different experience on DayZ with close combat fight and not evolute on a snipe land.
  20. mattt*

    Would you Abort if in Danger of death?

    You are right, they can't know if players are using hacked gear or not. I have played many hours now for the last weeks, on many server, i have only met 1 hacker (he was dead with a hacked weapon on him). Then, i have seen a server where there were many dead corpse on the ground, all fresh spawn in the fire station and around it, there were also ammo box on the ground (plenty) but i haven't seen the hacker. Well, hackers are present but not that much.
  21. mattt*

    Would you Abort if in Danger of death?

    2 things to know about DayZ : 1 - never be attached to your gear. 2 - if you die, you need around 5 hours to get back 100% of what you had before dying (except range finder, GPS and NVG). If the developpers really want to stop this "abort" problem, they could fix it with setting all weapons "1 shot kill". The game is really realistic for everything except this point. Delete every military equipment (except NVG/GPS and coyote backpack). Only one sniper available anymore (CZ550 or DMR) and every weapons kill in one hit in the body/head. If shot in the legs = 100% leg broken + unconscious (implement the option "while unconscious, can't abort"). I don't understand people who doesn't want to die. I have been like this at start, when it was hard for me to evolute in the game (5 first hours) but now in 2 hours ieverybody can find easily : Knife, axe, boxe of matches, handgun, assault rifle, alice back pack, camo clothing, map, compass, watch, food and water bottles. It means that after 2 hours, you are self sufficient, you have enough stuffs to go north (Stary Sobor) to gather military weapons and you can already hunt other players.
  22. Hello guys, I wanna change my current GPU (GTX275, which is quite old) and i'm hesitating between the MSI 7950 Twin Frozer III and the EVGA GTX 670 FTW. I have read many reviews (every you can find on internet, in english) and i can't figure out which one is the best. That's why i'm asking your help :). At the moment, i don't have "money limitation" (i mean i can afford both card) BUT i don't want to use extra cash for 10 poor fps. The MSI 7950 cost 340 € and the EVGA 670 cost 420 €. Is the price difference justified ? Should i wait for the next GPU generation (Radeon 8000 serie or GTX 700 serie) ? Thanks for your future help. My current spec is : Asus P6T SE i7 920 3GB DDR3 RAM (667 Mhz :() GTX 275
  23. mattt*

    Help me to choose my new GPU

    Ok thanks guys, i think i will go with the GTX 670. ;)
  24. mattt*

    Help me to choose my new GPU

    Well i would like a good update. I don't think i would get the same performance with a SLI of GTX 275 than with a single GTX 670.
  25. mattt*

    Help me to choose my new GPU

    Thanks for your answer; I have only 10" (26 cm) space in my middle retarded pc case which is 6 years old so i'm stick with a reference design for the GTX 670 :<. That's why the EVGA is not that bad for me (GTX680 PCB and heatsink).