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Everything posted by thunderhornet

  1. I need someone to play with on DayZ I've been playing for about 8 months and get bored easily because all of my friends have stopped playing. I'm only looking for players that have a minimum of 4-5 months experience. AGES 15+ and NO BAMBIS'. Just leave a reply answering the following. Name: Thunder Steam and/or Skype: recentsix, ThunderHornet Age:17 How long have you been playing?: 8 months Country: United States Play style/roll: Close Quarters specialist, Medic, team player, Good at stealth. Play schedule: 3-4 hours week days, and 4-5 hours on weekends Why should I pick you?: Because I'm me
  2. thunderhornet

    Elite Squad Recuitment

    Real name: Brendan, prefer to be called Thunder Skype name: ThunderHornet (GMT) timezone: EST IGN: wut? Age: 17 Why do you want to join Elite: I have 8 months experience and have played in a group before. All of my friends have stopped playing. I'm very experienced and have many stories. Please put a (x) beside the class you want to be. Sniper Heavy (x) Assault C.Q.B (x) My preferences are shotguns. I usually will go on the front line of the group and take the risk of putting myself out there so the whole group is not in danger. Medic (x) In my old group, I saved my friends at least 15 times from dying. If someone is in need of medical support, I am willing to stop whatever I'm doing and head for them as fast as I can. Engineer If there is anything else you want us to know about please but it in here: I'm a team player and will follow orders. The most memorable moment of saving my friends was when I spawned in and my friend was down at the NW airfield, and I ran there and he was down at a crashed heli while zombies were trying to eat him. So I pulled out my M249 and killed at least 70 zombies while he was unconscious and didn't stop. He finally got up and I gave him food and we got in the Ural and drove out.]
  3. thunderhornet

    Should we remove barbed wire in the next update

    Yes zombies can walk through it anyway. Its useless