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Everything posted by eric11

  1. how do you change your name?? i mean, i tried but it doesn't let me edit the name.
  2. eric11

    Looking to play with the good guys

    sounds nice. i don't have skype though. I'm a good by naturally but yesterday I killed 2 guys camping on a tower. They didn't seem friendly because they never answered my friendly message.
  3. i've only played with someone else once and he got killed during a firefight. since then i haven't been able to play with him or anyone else again. i'm a casual player, usually play on weekends and 2 or 3 days during the week. people have added me on steam and they never respond to my messages when i want to play. i'm interested in playing with anyone, and i will play tomorrow at 10:00am or later eastern time up until 2:30pm. let me know if interested
  4. i could offer transfusion. im in the cherno firestation
  5. eric11

    Need some people to play with!

    quick note, i dont have a mic
  6. eric11

    Need some people to play with!

    im going to play soon. add me in steam if interested steam: ericmulero
  7. Is there any way that I can move Dayz from one computer to another? I tried installing Steam in another computer but it didn't let me, as if I can only have it my current computer. Can anyone have Steam in more than 1 computer so I can download my games and have them in other computers? Am I doing it wrong? If I can't have Steam in other computers, could I transfer my Arma 2 and Dayz to another computer, if possible?
  8. ohhh i see. I wanted to give my bro the game but he hadn't made an account yet (i think). I will try to do so some other time, assuring that no one is logged in the computer. THANKS
  9. sounds like a good idea. im interested, mainly because im very friendly to strangers even though it gets me killed a lot, and im bored of being alone all the time. i dont have much time during weekdays though. my steam is ericmulero i have teamspeak, so it would be nice to play with you guys sometime
  10. Sometimes i just don't know why i try to be so good with people. I ask if they are friendly, sometimes i offer then stuff, but in the end many just shoot me on sight and i loose all my stuff (which hurts most when i have alice or czech packs full of food and ammo). Im going to be a bit more aggresive to people now, but i still try to be the good guy. I might offer some medical services now that i have about 3 blood bags, some morphine and epinephrine cuz i wont do much with them on my own. if anyone needs something, let me know: that is, of course, if i find you.
  11. do the microphones integrated on a laptop work for voice chat?
  12. eric11

    Integrated laptop microphone

    thanks for the info guys
  13. eric11

    Looking for friends

    i got ts3, never used it though. never played with anyone sadly
  14. eric11

    Looking for friends

    what's vent?
  15. hi, I've tried multiple times to get into the airfield in balota but there's always a render-vortex whatever giltch and i cant see where im going if i face towards the airfield... any help on that???
  16. sorry, i don't get why it's so bad there. i went there and found an empty base with a big tower.
  17. sounds good, im tired of being a lone-wolf. my steam is ericmulero
  18. i would like to join you guys. i got some experience, been playing for a month or 2 and i know were to get good stuff most of the time. my steam is ericmulero, although i dont run it in steam, but could try to run it there if any of u add me so we can communicate
  19. sounds good, im tired of being alone
  20. god damn... propably some good loot there, thanks for the info
  21. im interested. I am in elektro in a firehouse south of the power plant and am willing to help you get a lot of stuff cuz im near a bunch of good buildings. im not going to play today. maybe tomorrow or someday after. add me on steam if interested: ericmulero p.s. i dont run the game on steam cuz i offen find myself joining servers with different versions of the game. i would HIGHLY recommend you get DAYZ COMMANDER if u dont have it. it filters out bad servers. and no, im not a bandit but am willing to kill someone if necesary
  22. im interested. been solo for a month and people kill me on sight and i hate that. my steam is ericmulero
  23. looking for anyone who wants to team up. it's a lot easier to head into towns with someone to back you up, which is good if you want good loot.
  24. still can't find some of you on steam, i copy the names you put here but they don't show up
  25. thanks for the invites, but i'm more of a casual gamer now that im beginning college so i wont have much time to play anymore.