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Everything posted by curko@centrum.sk

  1. A'right, I don't really know what exact things have changed, since the last time I used the thing it was one good year aback, but here goes: We had a server named UK207 running DayZ, the good ole times when duping worked and the hacked-in AS50 TWS was present... Now, of course, cheaters, teleporters and server hoppers were pretty much prevalent and us server admins hadn't had many privileges over regular players, except for kicking or banning them, so we've got a bit fed up with all this, I've cleaned dust off my noob coding skills and made a completely-legal server-side Win32 cheating tool: As you might (or might not) have known, DayZ as of used to log player, vehicle and tent positions into the ARMAOASERVER.RPT file regularly.. the only problem here, was to determine the correct computing algorithm, parse the few last kilobytes off the server file, and convert those server positions into Chernarus map grid coordinates. Then we were good to go ! It could also spit out the generated map to a separate JPG somewhere on the Net. You know, for non-admin UK207 players to "check" as a bonus of their visit (khe khe). Unfortunately, stripped the server logs off player positions and leaved just those of freshly-put tents, and repaired vehicles, so a thick line was drawn over this little project that was (till now) never really known of. No more raids on unsuspecting players and no more bans for helicopter spawners.. (speaking about helis, their speed really made quite a point-distance difference on the map!). And the purpose of this thread? Well as we all know, DayZ standalone is now out, and although I haven't got to analyze the logs the game spits out today, I can say one thing for sure: every time the positions are going to be logged on the server-side;, legal and completely undetectable cheating will always exist in this game. Just saying. Heck, if a popular demand was created I could update it and make this thing public, to assist other server admins who are fed up with cheaters.. and give 'em a little bonus as they pay and rent their servers... (Ofc there might be a ton of similar utilities on the Net nowadays, I did not check really). So, um, yeah. Play safe :)
  2. curko@centrum.sk

    This we've used to spy on you...

    Oh, my bad. Then someone should move the topic to the appropriate location and make it sticky so more people can react.
  3. curko@centrum.sk

    Is that going to be the real Dayz Standalone??

    To the OP, w-e-ll you cannot expect H**f-life -like physics in a helicopter-simulator-driven game, can you..? :)
  4. curko@centrum.sk

    This we've used to spy on you...

    As it doesn't alter your game experience from the client side; I see no reason why it shouldn't; as all you need is a read-access to the .RPT file (read only is sufficient).
  5. curko@centrum.sk

    This we've used to spy on you...

    The purpose of the topic is explained in the fifth paragraph. I just found this along with the source code on my hard drive, so I got that nostalgic feeling and .. maybe with some positive reception I could release the binary.
  6. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=fMHPwDTB-GQ No cheats or hack scripts used, latest beta and dayz versions as we speak, and the server got 40 players on, with all the antihack scripts. Was the supposed to be broken ?
  7. curko@centrum.sk

    Alright can anyone explain this?

    I usually avoid these coastal areas, but IIRC seen some zeds wandering on piers in, not exhibiting any of this weird behavior.
  8. curko@centrum.sk

    DayZ Mod Update

    Rocket this, rocket that, kinda like a personality cult around here... 2 cents
  9. curko@centrum.sk

    DayZ Mod Update

    Oh it surely does. In fact, the roadsigns are in pseudo Russian, but there are billboards in mostly Czech or Slovak, mostly puns of local beer brands. And if we talk about chernarus being a post soviet state, well Czechoslovakia wasnt a partition of the USSR at all! That's discrimination! [/sarcasm] Bohemia Interactive, darn should have known the "Bohemia" is not for mere fun in it. (Might be we don't call the Czechs "Bohemians" in my language. Kinda outlawish it would have been)
  10. curko@centrum.sk

    DayZ Mod Update

    I'm rather surprised to see a gun from the formerly-called republic of mine (Czechoslovak vz. 58) in the game. Here in Slovakia they're run of the mill and semi versions go for ultra cheap, also Canadians sports shooters prefer them due to their AK ban. [/reallife] Blood bags causing infections.. whuh, aren't they packed sterile ? And if we talk bout realism, why gun jamming is not implemented? Especially in M16s and so.. imagine yourself being in bandits' hideout somewhere, you spot one and there it goes CLACK! (full metal jacket anyone?)
  11. curko@centrum.sk

    DayZ Mod Update

    Zeds seem to charge like raging bulls towards the player at 2-3x the speed, suddenly dis-appearing and re-appearing on sight, like drunk. Makarov now attracts hordes like if it was firing a rifle caliber. Quite unrewarding for a casual player, let alone a n00b as it is - expect more hacker folks to boot. Just my two cents :D
  12. curko@centrum.sk

    Most Useful Weapon..Your Thoughts

    Mk 48, basically a full auto M14. Has its effect even if you miss. Plus a G17, ammo readily available in deer stands, long 17rnd magazine and nice iron sights (easier to do headshots than with a M1911).
  13. Agreed with Weasel, as a /former DayZ/ regular player on UK207 amongst other things, I approve the shutdown; as too many script-armed stillborn children disrupt the fair play of others, and the general stance of some, drawing the "alpha mod" card just gets tiring. See you at the next complete engine rewrite yall! --clima
  14. Just stay on till a better update is released out.
  15. curko@centrum.sk

    Hotfix Build Rolling Update

    Everyone revert to, as we did.. red Lada turned into a bicycle at respawn and three of our looted vehicles (s1203 van, motorbike and a flatbed truck) vanished off our base even with saving them previously.
  16. curko@centrum.sk

    Hotfix Build Rolling Update

    - No more ammunition "replenishing" at server restart/reconnect. As said fixed, but damn, I miss this. Was it really needed? - Player position data now gone off server reports.. fixed as promised, but just in case I'd add an option to turn this on, to analyze logs for hackers and such (same player, too many different position updates). - Graphics glitch seems not to be fixed, at least not near starey sobor, and seems to be caused by barbed wire. Running on leshcat gfx drivers+radeon 6770M) - Broken vehicle respawn, my red Lada after a scheduled restart turned into a bicycle. - Bigger tendency to stuck at "Loading", which resulted directly after the update performed. Such lock-ups always plunge me back to the coast, or to the debug area. - Duping disabled, this increased difficulty a lot. At least fix those zed respawns; they respawn almost immediately after getting shot. had its bugs, but was better. This version just introduced more (more-or-less announced) headaches, unfortunately.
  17. curko@centrum.sk

    Hotfix Build Rolling Update

    Sorry if this had been discussed already above, but means that the automatic ammo replenishing upon reconnect/server restart is gone for ?
  18. Had been with our survivors on teamspeak at our tent camp, while on a laptop, everybody well equipped, including a mate in front of me point blank range. After a slight outside distraction I've accidentaly landed my finger on the touchpad I have forgotten to disable, killing him instantly with a M14. He then, after respawning and coming back to the base, saved my life after being zed-raped (an instant blood drop from 12k to 5k, shock+broken legs, B&W vision and a bleeding of 400 BP per second). That was really embarrassing.