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Stress (DayZ)

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About Stress (DayZ)

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    On the Coast
  1. Stress (DayZ)

    Fucking hackers....

    Or, as happened last night, a hacker pulling everyone to him, then killing us all, despite me being prone at the time and popping him at least 4 time with the 870...
  2. So, I finally get to play the game on my own after playing a few crappy games with a mate and find a nice low-player server with daytime! Time to explore and learn how things work. Goes swimmingly (pun intended) and then I get killed by some player - no problem this happens and to be honest if i saw him first would probably have done the same. So I get a tractor and it blows up muahaha goddamnit. Respawn frikking miles away. Anyway, decide to tool up in Cherno and it's not a city I have explored so end up on the top of a tower with an Enfield and see a player miles away sneaking about after hearing gunshots for like 5 minutes. Decide to take a shot at him - he covers the sites he is so small - I kill him in 1 shot! Woot, maybe I can get the loot and get back to tractor land. I get kicked by admin. WTF. Rejoin, insta-kick. Is this normal? Was on a gamed!de server, so find that hard to believe. Sad none the less. Peace, Stress PS I would prefer not to shoot on sight, but it seem the norm :(