Well, so I just thought about the time where we could turn into bandits, which is something I miss. So, I thought about, what if DayZ added in some Bandit Camps that spawns randomly like crashed helicopters, where there is like, 2 - 3 tents, fences and a fireplace [Not lighted up of course.] Where you could find some food, weapons, medics and a low chance to find the Bandit suits. My second thought: When the wintertime comes, what if it started snowing on DayZ, and you add in Snow camo suits, in my opinion, that would be so awesome. Third thought: Well, I would love if it would like, make a rumble noise when you're very hungry. Maybe hearing a little shaking teeths when cold, not sure about the Blood and Water tho. I just don't like to think about the food, water, temprature and blood all the time :) So, thanks for listening and I would be really happy if any of these ideas will come. :D