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Everything posted by MicroDude

  1. So this is simple. I can't update to version 95777, and yet. I see other players play on the newly updated DayZ. And yes, I am aware of that players are getting banned. But I still just want to know how to update :o .. What I've Tried: Update via Six Updater Verify Files via Six Launcher Try to add the mod into "Dynamic" and "Update - Install" via Six Updater.. ..Youtubed my problems :o
  2. MicroDude

    Can't Update to 95777?

    Hey i think i found the Beta Patches.. They're located at: http://www.arma2.com/beta-patch.php/
  3. http://dayzmod.com/forum/index.php?/topic/65013-guess-what-graphic-glitchs/ - I tried to answer this in another post
  4. MicroDude

    WTF, Dayz.

    Could it be, that your character was selected to be a FEMALE? I've heard that your character die's if you put it on when you're a different gender.(Not male that is) I think it's because the Gillie suite was designed for a male character. Meaning that when you put it on, the game sorta bugged. Other words.. maybe you defoooooormeeeed!.. OooOOOOooooooOOoo..
  5. MicroDude

    Guess what? Graphic Glitchs!

    Okay-Doki ! I remember reading a fix for this somewhere else.. Im'a try to recap what he/she said: -First of all you need Notepad++ (Its for editing the file correctly without corrupting it) -After installing that you will need to locate your ARMA2OA Profile. Should be in -> C:\Users\<YOURNAME>\Documents\ArmA 2 -Then you are going to right click it, "edit with notepad++". And now the tricky part, hit CTRL+F and then write in "sceneComplexity" or use keywords. -Now u change the "sceneComplexity=150000" (or other if it's different) to "sceneComplexity=100000;" -And then you launch your game, and if the grapichs bug still appears then you go into options->video options-> advanced options and you turn "VSync" OFF (or ON) and then wait for it to load, for then to change it back ON (or OFF, if you desire) I did all of the above, and when-ever i see the bug, i just quickly change the VSync. And then it works like a charm :) IMPORTANT EDIT: WHEN YOU RESTART THE GAME, THE COMPLEXITY WILL BE CHANGED BACK TO 300000. YOU WILL HAVE TO CHANGE THIS BACK ON RESTART. (Or if the grapichs still are bugged)
  6. MicroDude


    Hey, my friend had the same problem once. But he said that he either got his conscious back after 5 minutes, or that he respawned after 5 minutes. Either way, it was something to do with 5 minutes of waiting ! :) Or, you could get a friend to give u an "Epi-Pen" to revive you. Make sure he has some blood packs for you too ^^