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Everything posted by CaptainBigSmoke

  1. CaptainBigSmoke

    I'm not too sure if he was hacking.

    What if he crashed in a different helicopter spawned by some hacker?
  2. CaptainBigSmoke

    Cheater,Hacker "Schrimp" DE282 today

    He is probably just like you: An unfair player who takes stuff from cheaters.
  3. CaptainBigSmoke

    DE 93 Teleporter?

    Which camp do you mean? Isn't it true that a heroic hacker erased all camps and vehicles? :thumbsup: :thumbsup:
  4. CaptainBigSmoke

    Dear, Server "US 1877" Hacker

    I know it is allowed, I just imply that he should not whine for losing a cheat-weapon. Too many uneducated people without reading competence on this forums..
  5. CaptainBigSmoke

    Admin Abuse? US 599

    I can confirm {E} being known as an infamous hacker-clan in the scene
  6. CaptainBigSmoke

    US 930 Triple Hackers

    When they blatantly start hacking, why don't you just leave the game? Normally I don't support it, but if you fight a hacker it is the best choice, it will spoil the hackers fun.
  7. CaptainBigSmoke

    Dear, Server "US 1877" Hacker

    AS50 thermal is not even legit
  8. CaptainBigSmoke

    US 863 shutting server down

    Mission accepted, gonna wipe dat server
  9. CaptainBigSmoke

    Spawning weapons?

    Obviously not legit
  10. CaptainBigSmoke

    Stuck in "Loading" screen!

    Same here, first I thought its because of the hack I use to kill all players in the servers but also without the hack I get stuck in the loading screen... Fix this please, why are you so incompetent?
  11. CaptainBigSmoke

    Hacker on UK 218

    Your zoom was different because your weapon was changed, the hacker took your old AS50 and gave you a (hacked) AS50 thermal.
  12. CaptainBigSmoke

    The bans..

    Was hacking like mad the last 2 days, now I see that I am unbanned, lol
  13. CaptainBigSmoke

    Disconnect from battle report (video)

    Thats no cheating, just lame playing. In the future we might see an anti-logout system.
  14. CaptainBigSmoke

    Dropped from sky with best gear

    Do you really think someone will give you the stuff back?
  15. CaptainBigSmoke

    Hacker on DE #00

    How do you know that its this guy?