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Everything posted by Knoosemuckle

  1. So last night, I'm on US 1462. Started out SW of Bor in a barn, target location for the evening was the lake Prud nestled a little north of Stary Sobor. Its a bit of a walk but I was loaded out. I finally make it there about 4 hours later and a little ahead of my friend coming from the same area. I'm waiting around thinking this is a nice ambush spot. My friend finally shows up and I get him a canteen and some other supplies. We move around the lake to setup a campfire and logout shortly after but as were moving, I hear "its raining its pouring" music in that creepy girl voice. Hadn't seen this hack before so I was thoroughly disturbed by the music. Moments later my friend screams over the mic and I see him sprinting across a field with what appeared to be Jason in tow. I pop off 6 rounds from my Enfield into Jason but he's still running. So, its clear this was a hack of sorts and I didn't feel like dying from a hack so I alt+F4 out. I don't like to use that except when a hack hits the server and no I don't use that in PvP. Anyone else have a better way to deal with Jason or maybe a funny experience with him? He is creepy as hell if you don't know whats happening.
  2. Knoosemuckle

    Its raining, its pouring....

    Second encounter tonight. This time down in Zelengorsk, I was sneaking up to the supermarket. Another buddy was already inside. I was on my binocs cuz I saw this figure running irregular from normal zombies. I then realized it was "Jason" again. The buddy inside DC'd pretty quickly, lol. Its not quite as scary the second time.
  3. Knoosemuckle

    This game is full of A-holes

    I joined this game a little over a week ago. First thing my buddy who advised me to play said was "Don't get attached to your gear, don't shoot unless you have to, and hope you like to die." I didn't pick the game b/c it would be easy. If you want a shooter, go play one of the big name brand kiddie games like CoD or BF3. All multiplayer games have atleast 1 asshole in them. Fortunately I think the good outweighs the bad right now. I can deal with the occasional thunderdome and last night I watched Jason axe my buddy. Enjoy the mod for what it offers and if you get thunderdome'd just try to disconnect if your so keen on living.
  4. Knoosemuckle

    Its raining, its pouring....

    Yea stay away from Prud. I watched my buddy fall down and then axed to death, I put 3 rounds into Jason as he was killing my friend but it wasn't helping. I'd rather deal with 50 zombies swarming me in a house than another Jason encounter. Scared the shit out of us. It was weird b/c I was at the lake for atleast 35 minutes before my buddy arrived only to see him murdered with minutes of arriving.