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Posts posted by jazzkebabz

  1. man this little hayden guy and his clan are a bunch of poofters!

    get a life you retards, as soon as one of these guys get killed they kick everyone off the server and then restart it so we cant get his stuff!

    seriously, youre chicken shit. you rage quit as soon as someone gets you, and then you have to HACK us all just to get back at us.

    clearly you cant play DayZ for SHIT other wize you'd fight like a man rather then having a pissy little sook about being shot and re-start the whole server.

    i hope you see this and realise that you actually have NO life, go crawl back up your mums hole you bunch of {E} clan cock sucking faggots!

  2. dude exact same thing happened to me and 4 of my friends.

    (daniel) (ricky) (wingsforsoroya) (ozzi) (jasmine)

    as soon as i got close to the chopper i was knocked out and legs broken, ricky made his way there and was head shoted straight away. they also teleported into woods and shot straight us away, then thats where we heard the chopper.

    theyve restarted this server 13 times in the last day of hacking people.
