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The Fat Man

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Everything posted by The Fat Man

  1. The Fat Man

    Feature Wishlits

    I'm glad the Dev's took my suggestion for a melee weapon/crowbar. Just found one, and i was like...Ahhh yes.
  2. The Fat Man

    Feature Wishlits

    I think a melee weapon would/should have a place in this mod... It's unfortunate that it would be difficult to create/implement, but it would greatly increase the realism aspect. I'm sure we all have axes/bats/metal pipes around our house that we would turn to if we ran out of ammo.
  3. The Fat Man

    Feature Wishlits

    Melee Weapon(s) Maybe not possible since that would have to do with arma more than the mod... But this game/mod desperately needs a crowbar or machete to fall back on when out of makarov.