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Everything posted by Quack.

  1. Ok so my monitor res is 1920x1080 and I'm having issues with putting DayZ in 1280x720 (Windowed) so I can do various things like record or stream (... or whatever) and whenever I try do do so I get horrid borders around DayZ and it switches back to full screen. if anyone know on how to go windowed/border less/720 please, please leave a message below.
  2. It isnt a matter of alt-tabbing I want to record in 1280x720... But it wont let me go full screen in that res.
  3. Quack.


    Name: Lewis Age: 16 Location: UK, Europe Usual roles: SD Rifles / Sniper. About me: At the moment I'm looking to join a new camp/clan with similar ideas to yours. At the moment I currently have no gear since our clan got ambushed and once I recovered I got teleported by hackers, So iv been pretty screwed over. However I'm pretty sure I can gear up to a level which is able to survive and progress around the map.
  4. Name: Lewis Age: 16 Skype: lewisandrewz Steam:grizzniitz Location: London, UK Experience (how long you've played): few weeks, I caught onto the game VERY quickly. A brief summary if you so please: I have played mainly co-op with friends, I have learned to communicate as a team e.g. Check, contact, shots fired. I understand most forms of navigation with the exception I haven't found a GPS yet. despite playing co-op I have learnt how to survive, de-agro etc... I consider myself a decent player :)