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Twombly (DayZ)

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About Twombly (DayZ)

  • Rank
    On the Coast
  1. Twombly (DayZ)

    The Regulators are looking for good people

    Signed up on the forums and the North EU Cell. Sounds like a great group.
  2. Twombly (DayZ)

    Survivor Group

    I'd like to join a group like this. I sent a Steam invite (Twombly)
  3. Twombly (DayZ)

    More (useful) vehicles.

    I think we should be able to upgrade vehicles in numerous ways, just as an intuitional survivor would. You could modify a normal pick-up truck by combining an LMG with scrap metal and a toolbox (+ a new welding torch maybe) to mount a weapon on the back, creating a technical. There could be other upgrades like increasing bullet resistance by thickening the bodywork, camo paint/netting, modifiying the engine for performance or fuel efficiency, making it run quieter etc
  4. Twombly (DayZ)

    New Players is looking for Companions

    I joined the Steam Group. I'm up for some DayZ at the moment, anyone else? Steam name SgtTwombly (troll face as my avatar)
  5. Twombly (DayZ)

    Looking to team up. No bandits please.

    I'll team up with you people. My Steam's SgtTwombly, but I don't know who to add because there are identical Steam names.
  6. Twombly (DayZ)

    looking for someone to play with

    I've got very limited gear at the moment, about to die of starvation and I'm lost (think I'm somewhere south west). If you're willing to help me, I'll help you out for sure any way I can. Steam: SgtTwombly Edit: Where are you from / which servers do you play on? I play on UK / Europe servers
  7. Twombly (DayZ)

    Looking for fellow survivor [Beginner]

    There are two 'Weztics' on Steam one has a TF2 pyro avatar. Forgot to mention my Steam name's SgtTwombly. Edit: There are also a few 'Oempaloempas'
  8. Twombly (DayZ)

    Looking for fellow survivor [Beginner]

    I'm also a beginner, I don't even have a weapon yet. I have a mic if I need to use it but it's pretty bad.