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Everything posted by killingwillum

  1. killingwillum

    Why I help unarmed players

    If you think about it. Going to the beach with a few extra items and waiting for some one to spawn may be a great way to recruite some one to be your buddy. Think about it. You die and wake up on the beach. There is a man standing there and he begins talking to you. Next thing you know he is giving you a weapon, some magazines, and other things that will help you out. It's like having the beginning NPC that isn't an idiot to be there and help you out.
  2. killingwillum

    Why I help unarmed players

    I find it amazing that a topic about killing unarmed survivors gets 168 posts but this one only gets one.................
  3. Ok so I'm watching youtube videos of DayZ games and its a giant storm in the current video I'm watching. Without me realizing it, a storm rolls into my town... I start hearing the rain and the thunder as I'm watching the video of the guys in the game dealing with a storm.... I freak out for a second... Is this really happening!? a second later my brain kicks in and I start laughing my ass off...... Good times....
  4. When you pack a bag with all items that you think you would need when the zombies do come.......
  5. killingwillum

    I witnessed a war in dayz

    Ok. I'll bring this up.... They all left in the chopper... Tell me... Oh please tell me you searched all the bodies and took the truck they left.....
  6. killingwillum

    Screw the hacking! Finally dogs!

    Very true. so in essence the issue is not a problem of Rockets but is infact the lack of BattlEye not doing their jobs correctly.
  7. killingwillum

    Screw the hacking! Finally dogs!

    I don't know about the rest of you but to me, a slow but steady influx of patches that address the worst problems and add a few new features/items is something i have no problem with. I know that every single issue will not be solved in one patch but addressing one or two while giving something else to the game is awesome... Take the positive and leave the negative to slide off your shoulders.... if you are having that much anger from playing this game... maybe you should move on... enjoy it or don't. Or as a wise fictional character once said. "Do or do not... there is no try."
  8. killingwillum

    I found a heli.

    You know, come to think of it... what better place to keep a heli then on an island... it would be a tedious process to get to it and fix it.. not to mention that if you have the heli and save it there and use that island as a base of sorts... you could infact use it to prosper with the right team. Although considering the open view from the coast... it could also be a sniper nightmare
  9. killingwillum

    RIP DayZ!

    If you look at this MOD from the perspective of a gaming company you would see that it is a Huge achievement. They have over a million users. If you took the fact that it was a paid for game at the cost of lets say a ten dollar add on... well that is a net profit of ten million dollars.... failure... nope.. and its still an alpha phase mod... imagine how polished and great it will be if it reaches a beta or the stand alone version
  10. killingwillum


    Revenge is an emotional response. It's the weak minds idea of dispensing justice upon the wicked... Don't seek vengence... seek to help those who need it and punish those who deserve it.
  11. killingwillum


    Addep, you have my praise. Clearly you are seeing the very thing i can about this game. Some people are happy treating this like its a sandbox COD but you know what.... Don't give into the hate..Stick to being a good person and help out those who need it.
  12. killingwillum

    Hackers like attention

    Hackers don't care about attention or praise/hate. They get off on being able to do what they do... Even If the servers were empty they would still be doing it because they can. Pushing the limits of what they can do is exciting to them. If they are on a website or a game that says you can do this but not this.... Well now they want to do just that... Its a matter of self gratification... or mental masturbation.
  13. killingwillum

    M4A1 holo SD = legit?

    So what your saying is... you saw two people sitting on a road and you murdered them.....
  14. I know from what I have seen of this game online on youtube and on the forums that there is a lot of player on player killing.... ok... a huge amount but you know what... I'm not gonna give into the hate... I'm gonna go out of my way to help people. When ever I enter a city 'm going to take any extra weapons, food, water, and bandages I can find and place them on a roof top in the city. I'm going to move away from the roof top and let anyone in the city know where they are through the games text comunicator. Why? because of what president John F. Kennedy said.... "Do not ask for easier lives, ask to be better men."
  15. killingwillum

    I'm gonna help everyone I can...

    CLewis.... Thats right... A bad mother fucker who wants to do good but isn`t afraid to strike out with furious anger...
  16. killingwillum

    I'm gonna help everyone I can...

    Nucleqrwinter, Some people are good people no matter what. If you can be swayed by the actions of another person being cruel and unjust then the game is doing what it is meant to do. Bring out what type of person you really are. I'm not here to preach, All I'm doing is Showing people that there is more to this game then killing each other. If they want to kill me for trying to help... well thats on their shoulders, not mine. If A big enough group of people get together then a real comunity could be established... Weapons could be stored, food, water, medical supplies. If you look at something like that as a target waiting to get attacked..... Your pretty much a GBD......(( great big dork ))
  17. killingwillum

    I'm gonna help everyone I can...

    Good point, I was hoping that a roof would be a spot people would feel safer but considering the amount of sniping going on... I`ll change the location i`ll be putting these things.
  18. killingwillum

    I'm gonna help everyone I can...

    I am not an moron, I know I am going to die over and over from doing this but I don't care. The people I do help that are grateful and need the help will remember me and my actions. And as for the post about placing them on an open roof top that could easily be in a snipers scope. Well you have a point there but then again, if the person is needing a can of food, a drink, a bandage, and a weapon...... what could i possibly get from killing them? I'm not gonna fall into the killing for fun stereotype. When George A. Romero came up with the idea of zombies that we now know... He was using it for a backdrop to bring out what people are really like. I'm a good person... if your the sort that would kill a man for his stuff instead of asking for help... Well your no better then a zombie... just another walking corpse waiting to get shot.... Also side note....nucleqrwinter... Your gravatar is Shane.... I don't think your one to talk about hero and villain....