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About killingwillum

  • Rank
    Helicopter Hunter

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  • Gender
  • Location
    New Jersey
  • Interests
    Zombies ( duh ), Survival situations, camping, hunting, long range shooting ( i own several SKS's, a M40, and several other weapons ) working on cars, video games

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  • Bio
    The bio... what a waste of time.... is anyone even really reading this? ok well if you are.... remember this... i don`t run around in the open... i like the shadows... if i kill you... chances are.. you didnt even know i was there... and your only dead if you deserve it. I`m not a bandit and i will never kill an innocent... i find some one in trouble... i`m gonna help... i see you gun down some one for their stuff.... your dead
  1. killingwillum

    so im batman

  2. killingwillum

    There is no problem in this game... why?

    Gonna be a little while before i can get back on the game. Graphics card over heated and needs to be replaced... my own damn fault... wasn't keeping my eye on the fan. I knew it needed to be replaced and I went and cost myself even more money. When I get a new one sure thing.
  3. killingwillum

    There is no problem in this game... why?

    I'm not saying your not, I'm saying you and I don't see eye to eye often
  4. killingwillum

    There is no problem in this game... why?

    Thank you everyone that has replied to this thread already. It's good to know that I'm not the only one that feels this way. And also to Opeth.... I know we almost never see eye to eye on things in the game so it's nice to see that we agree on this.
  5. This game is a wonderful experience. The shear thrill of trying to survive, sneaking past the zombies, surviving an onslaught of aggro'd zombies, Dealing with the constant threat of hostile survivors. There is no part of this game right now as it is that I find to be a problem. The Survivors you run into are always going to be a major impact of your survivors experience. If you think about it, survivors are the boss battles of the game. You never know when you are going to wind up in a situation where you are literally a heartbeat away from dying. It's just so random, it's damn exciting! Every time you meet some one else in the game you have to decide the correct choice or your going to die. Is this player going to be friendly? Possibly not.... Should you shoot on site? That is up to you and what type of person you are. There is no wrong answer... only bad choices. You may run into some one that needs help or wants to work together with you... You may run into some one that simply will just put a bullet in you and take what you have to help themselves survive longer. That is the way the world would be in this situation. People will choose different paths and do what they think is right to survive. In a way this game is for the most part showing people the way it would be. If there was a situation like this then you bet your ass there will be people that will take to killing for fun. It will be a sport where only the people they know are safe. That is the way of the world and it's a brutal hostile place. You just have to be honest with yourself and play the way you want to... Take it as a chance to test how you would do in that kind of world. My only gripe with the game is the zombies.... No I don't want them removed... I want more... a LOT more. And make them slow zombies. Make them not a problem alone but any sound draws them in.. Fill the cities with them... In the best zombie movies (( ala: George A Romero )) The survivors were never really in danger from the zombies if they made good choices, but if they were idiots and made foolish choices then the dead would consume them. The zombies should be what makes them so terrifying... It's not the lone zombie I fear... it's the horde.... The horde and hostile survivors should be the real enemy... not just hostile survivors. It's simply my opinion and I wanted to share it. I welcome the shoot on site crowd and the roving group of bandits.... it's the way it really would be. Discuss
  6. killingwillum

    can you bring down a building with explosives?

    man....if i ever find any... i am so gonna hold the hospital hostage.....
  7. I was just wondering if you could bring down a building completley with satchel charges and such. I`ve never found any so i wouldn`t know if you could do it or how many it would take....
  8. There are a ton of whiskey bottles everywhere in the game but not a single vodka bottle. This strikes me as odd because in a russian country their drink of choice is vodka.... hell the word vodka literally translates to water in english....
  9. killingwillum

    building a DayZ pc.... need advice

    Like I said I am still a noob when it comes to building a gaming pc. I understand how to put one together and loading in OS, but I have no clue about over clocking and the more intricate things. I'm doing my best to learn and am pretty much at the beck and call of your advice. Thank you to everyone so far that has given me advice... i am looking at all of it.
  10. killingwillum

    building a DayZ pc.... need advice

    I will be using my exsisting monitor, mouse, and key board. Everything else i would like to have new as i`m not happy with even the tower i have and see no point in building a new rig if am going to be limited due to the old case i am using... seriously its an antique.... EDIT: I'm not concerned with my monitor and it is very capable. i simply need advice on parts in general... still a noob when it comes to building a gaming pc
  11. killingwillum

    building a DayZ pc.... need advice

    I'll add a few more details to make it easier to give me some advice. Yes I am going to be building from scratch. Yes i have a nice 24 inch hd monitor Budget will be $1,000.00 Will be purchasing a windows program that is up to date but not including that price into my budget... the cash listed will be used soley for buying the hardware, case, wires, powersupply, fans, etc...
  12. killingwillum

    building a DayZ pc.... need advice

    My budget is going to be around $1,000.00. It's going to be a get a check buy a part kinda build but I've had it with my PC. I need to get with the program.
  13. So I've decided that I need to build a rig that will allow me to run DayZ at the highest settings because... well because I want to see this game in all the high res glory that is possible. I'm learning more and more about pc gaming all the time but am only begining to learn since I only recently began to move on from console gaming. So in regards to that I would love to hear from some of the best and brightest that are clearly on this forum. ( yes that is my attempt at sweet talking in hopes to avoid some trolling.....) EDIT: Budget will be $1,000.00 Will only be using budget to purchase case and hardware. will not be needing a new monitor, keyboard, mouse. Also not using budget to purchase OS Will use headphones so intense soundcard not needed. EDIT 2: I want to run the game with every single setting on max with no issues
  14. killingwillum

    This is my dayz life

    Ok, well even if their body does disapear then they have to deal with starting over or having to go through the trouble to meet up with their buddies to get more. Either way you have made them deal with some trouble.
  15. killingwillum

    This is my dayz life

    This is clearly the way that person gets by in the game. The easiest way to deal with people that abuse the easy exit is to sneak up near the person sniping by flanking them and killing them before they can log out... then take all their gear....