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Everything posted by Zallic

  1. Well hello my ingame name is MichaelB. im 18 years old and im looking for someone to Team up with cuz of all the bandits around the servers.. cant cover myself .. and i dont care if the person is New cuz they can always learn... And im ready to try out one of the new "extra" Maps there is .. like lingor takistan or what they are called ^^ Im from denmark and i might have a stupid accent........... aaaand my Skype is Zallic.Baastrup
  2. Zallic


    oh well i have a nice and short story about me and the annoying Kid well he added me on skype after he saw one of my topics and i was like sure lets play with him(He was a beginner, didnt know alot) so he spawnet at electro and i walk there from cherno so he wouldnt get lost and at the moment we meet eachother a total stranger runs over to us while we yelled "Friendly Friendly Dont shoot we got nothing" on direct chat and he was like "Chill im just Greeting u guys(and then laugh) so we talked to the guy and he told us about some bandits in Electro was running around and shooting ppl for fun, so my New Partner was like "OKAY lets go find some weapones and safe the ppl in need" so i said "sure if thats what u really want to do on your first day then lets do it" he found and m1911 and i found an Ak(something..) and he was like "dude ... im a beginner give me the big gun..." and i said " u better not shoot me in the back with that AK and we traded weps... so we went into Electro and on the way into the (school)(Office) building we found a Bicycle and he was like "dude let me Ride it please i want it" and then i said sure but u better not Drive away from me" and he was like Yea yea yea and he gave it Full Speed on! Drived around the (Office school building) And he ended 15 Feets infront of me and he Gets off his Damn Bicycle and yelled "Die u stupid Mother Bandit!(something like that) in Direct Chat.... and he shot me and then he laugh while yelling my name and he was like "Michael i killed this Bandit man so easily" and it took him like 40 sec to find out that it was actually me he shot ... and the only thing he had to say about it was "Atleast i didnt shoot u in the back.." Oh well that was my little short story ... xD hope u injoyed ..
  3. Hello im Zalliclovesyou i want to team up with someone i dont care if they are new or if they are pro i just want to play and have fun and survive xD im from denmark im 17 year old i only use SKYPE Time Zone : .Donno...... Skype name : Zallic.Baastrup Feel free to add me and Call xD btw i just died so i dont got any items >.<''
  4. Hello im Zalliclovesyou i want to team up with someone i dont care if they are new or if they are pro i just want to play and have fun and survive xD im from denmark im 17 year old i only use SKYPE Time Zone : .Donno...... Skype name : Zallic.Baastrup Feel free to add me and Call xD btw i just died so i dont got any items >.<''
  5. Hey Uhm im tired of getting killed by bandits so i want to team up with someone right now i dont got any items so its a Good way to start teaming up with ppl :D i want to team up with someone who is loyal and wont fucking shot me in the back just because i found an ak... My skype-name is : Zallic.Baastrup i dont mind playing with new ppl and i started playing DayZ 3 days ago So i wont know that much about the Places ... AND i want to get a car Lol xD age: 17 Location: denmark Time Zone: Dont Know >.<
  6. Hello everyone i wanted to know if someone wants to Team Up my English isnt the Best but i speak it well Uhm im from denmark so i want someone who have almost the same time Zone Btw Im new And im Loyal to Team mates ^^ and i dont care if its another new person i have to team up with :) Skype: Zallic.baastrup
  7. Hey well i wont mind Team up with u And i got some gear myself Also i started today Btw i wont kill u cuz i really want someone to play with cuz Solo is boring. and if u dont mind playing with someone who is 17 then feel free to add my skype : Zallic.Baastrup
  8. Zallic

    A very nice guy or...

    Well he did something worse >.< he ruined the game for u :3
  9. Zallic

    any other beginners want to team up?

    Hey if u want i wont mind playing with u i brought it today too u can add me on skype Name : Zallic.baastrup ^^