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Everything posted by Socom_M1911

  1. Socom_M1911

    Console to Pc noob

    A bit of advice to give you a better gaming experience... Don't use dayzdb.com! It's a really well made site with a lot of good info but it ruined the experience for me knowing exactly where to go. To be honest, i wish i could go back to the days where i had no clue where i was going!
  2. my buddy rented a server through vilayer i think and havent been able to find the damn helicopter. been searchin for 7 days now :/
  3. Socom_M1911

    New Items: Cigarettes/Cigars?

    so my friend, whos in the army, can run a 6+ mile march with 80 pounds of ruck but since he also smokes does that make him unfit? no
  4. Socom_M1911

    New Items: Cigarettes/Cigars?

    FUCKING THIS!!!!! ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ this is a really good idea. wouldnt affect the game too much and shouldnt be hard to implement. also it would be badass as hell
  5. Socom_M1911

    an alternative to NPC camps

    might be a good idea for the warz maybe... but doesnt really go with the theme of dayz that the devs are looking for
  6. Socom_M1911

    What DayZ is really missing

    these seem like some pretty good ideas especially the last one. i have a feeling they might something similar in the standalone but one can only hope
  7. Socom_M1911

    Humanity Farming= Possibility?

    it seems like when i kill zombies my humanity rises not sure though can anyone confirm? also to answer you're question op, dont be an ass and itll go back up :)
  8. Socom_M1911

    add claymores

    well claymores like in cod or bf3 wouldnt work at all... but if they had to be manually detonated by the player that planted it using a detonator, then it could work but only then
  9. Socom_M1911

    My experience of Day Z so far

    tl;dr but i understand what youre getting at. i rarely get most of the issues people rage about so much on the forums besides a lot of lag but im pretty sure thats my shitty processor
  10. yeahhhhhh.... i think youre just mad that youre not good enough to not get killed by bandits
  11. thats like saying i should only have to pay $10 for black ops 2 since treyarch already made money off of me for black ops 1
  12. Socom_M1911

    Killed by friendly fire?

    had this happen to me just now while i was logging in but i respawned in a different server and had all my stuff on me, quite odd