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About Anbieter

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  1. This is the most stupid thing I've read in a while
  2. Fix EUW But seriously now, I hope that the Servers will run more smoothly now :$
  3. Anbieter

    Anyone else enjoying the game so far?

    The start was pretty harsh, but it's quite enjoyable.
  4. I've payed 100€ for this server (3 months) ...
  5. The Status is "pending" for almost one week now, I've made 2 support tickets which didn't get answered and i'm a little bit upset. Does anyone have an idea on how I could solve this since the staff doesn't answer support tickets?
  6. Anbieter

    What Were Your First DayZ Moments Like?

    "Sooo... this is DayZ? Looks pretty interesting. I guess the guys down there are the zombies, i should check them out." I was dead 1 minute later.
  7. Anbieter

    Need some tips

    There are (afaik) two kinds of servers: Official Hives (Chernarus only, are connected to the same Database) Private Hives (All Maps, they have their own Database for each Server, which means your stuff is only on each individual Server) Snipers are a bit harder to get, as they are military loot. You should check the DayzDB Map, as Beast said.
  8. Anbieter

    Day Z Videos

    I've made a small german "Let's Play" Series on the Map "Namalsk", this is the link to the playlist :)
  9. Anbieter

    DayZ Standalone Confirmed

    Okay, thanks :)
  10. Anbieter

    DayZ Standalone Confirmed

    So this means that you can still play DayZ with arma II?