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Everything posted by EricGrand

  1. EricGrand

    release that patch

    I dont get all the crying about bugs and the patch. OMG its a free MOD.. Can you imagine how much time Rocket invests in this? You should be thankfull that this mod exists... I think its incredible how many things changed in the last weeks... And of course there are bugs and of course some people are abusing wormholes in the game... But its an alpha so what do you expect? There are so many game developers who bring out their games and get up to 60€ for it although the game is full of Bugs.. I remember playing Dead Island.. It was awful and i paid money for it. And do you " ALL THE CRYERS" really think that whining and flaming is making it faster for Rocket or the devteam? emm i think not! Be thankful for this nice Mod! Iam
  2. Like VFR said.. You have to look for heli crash sites.. Get a bike or a motorcycle and just drive around fields.. Me and my brother found 2 M107's.. He took them both because i don't like snipers so much and it is not smart to wander around with two rifles... We thought about giving it to some1 but couldnt find a friendly survivor... 3 days later when we were looking for a light machine gun we found another 2 AS50 at a crash site.... so much about luck and finding snipers :)
  3. My first Murder also made me feel very bad.. Most of the Time iam playing with my lil brother. We are talking over skype so we can coordinate.. So he was going into a supermarket in some lil town i cannot remember which one.. I was scouting outside and making sure nobody would follow us... So when he cleared the market it was my turn to stock up.. he left and i entered.. When i was in.. there was a guy ... Because my brother was still talking about the stuff in the market i thought it was him.. after like 3 Min in the market with this guy i saw him starring at me and he had a whinchester so i knew it wasnt my brother.. I was so scared that i shot him 6 times... I felt sorry right away because he could have killed me several times so he probably was friendly...
  4. i dont know about 5 minutes.. For the guys from the Thread the respawn button would be helpfull.. But i always thought going out of map would result in instant death... If u really want to change ur respawn position u can kill urself pretty fast.. There are the light towers zombies.. etc..
  5. No Respawn button is ok for me... It makes it harder.. but i dont want to complain... 2 Days ago i got killed by tree in the Area of Novy Lug... I was proning under a tree and moving backwards.. The Tree got my right in my beans.. so obviously instant death.. I mean how can some1 live without beans?! But i was spawned pretty far away at cherno.. but i know myself around and there are the online maps so what the hell.. I ran there and got all my stuff back...
  6. Banning for using Script is OK in my opinion... I encountered Hackers too. My Pickup was stolen... tent was emptied although i hid everything very well... And the other time my pickup was transformed into a Bus.. How weird is that...