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Everything posted by Hellodoggy

  1. I enjoy the idea of no KOS and also being able to form groups of friends to go on adventures with... you'll never see that on a standard server.
  2. I support this mod in full effect, I havent even been whitelisted yet and the community is very welcoming and kind.
  3. Hey guys im putting together a group, if you're interested messege me on skype at Cudpud12x
  4. im 14 and we are using mumble
  5. Everybody except new spawns
  6. Im intrested Steam name : 2spooky4u
  7. Hellodoggy

    Being friendly just doesn't seem worth it...

    hey pope me and 3 friends have a friendly gropu :D we only shoot if they shoot first msg me on steam if you wanna be friends :D ID: hellodoggy
  8. I would like to but i am only 14 ... this is disappointing :P
  9. Hellodoggy

    Help me continue playing

    I Feel bad for you because i have only been killed by hackers once... but honestly i wasnt mad and i had a as50 and ghillie m1911 you know the works lol but honestly i would continue playing even constantly getting killed because i know the full game will be out soon and rocket is very focused on exterminating cheaters
  10. Hellodoggy

    US 1257 Cheaters with Screenshots

    i see no screenshots