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Everything posted by septuscap

  1. Rule: you must enter the city with gun in pack. Anyone logging inside the city "walls" with a gun out will be killed before they finish loading. BRILLIANT.
  2. PvE players harm PvP gameplay by coming onto FORUMS and crying for changes so they die less. This happens in EVERY single game with PvP and PvE components' date=' and it's ruined numerous PvP games. The PvE components in a sandbox game are a HUGE driver for PvP. They're what creates the dynamic PvP environment. But inevitably, some one who just wants the PvE components comes along and cries about the bad PvP components ruining their playtime. There is not a SINGLE complaint made by PvE players that can't be addressed by friendlies themselves. Saturate a couple of servers with friendlies via a steam group, forum thread, whatever, so you're more likely to run into a survivor than a bandit. Go make a player city for trade, safety, intel exchange, meeting people, etc. Join a clan of friendlies. Approach a stranger while your buddy provides overwatch to cover you (don't just run around yelling "FRIENDLIES???" you fucking moron). Approach a stranger as a GROUP so he's less likely to open fire. REMEMBER that you still run the risk of this stranger giving your location away to his buddies and getting ambushed. PLAN ACCORDINGLY. PvE games have trained you to do nothing but click on a rock 1 million times to achieve some accomplishment. STOP BEING WORTHLESS.
  3. septuscap

    Milidot sniping vs crouched/prone?

    You don't actually use the mildots to measure height in actual play, it's a reference. You can SEE your enemy, so you can measure his height and use the mildots as reference to figure out approx range.
  4. It's called sweeping the perimeter.
  5. septuscap

    Is CZ550 even worth it

    CZ550's used to be fairly common in barns, and a great way to fight mil-grade enemies. PvE players complained that CZ's must be why people are killing them, so rocket nerfed the spawn rate. (Of course, there was no fluctuation in PK rates, just stupid people being stupid) Now you can't even have legit overwatch in your group unless you're specced out with mil-grade gear yourself.
  6. Usually 6 or an 8. If you're a new spawn I'll probably let you go unless you spot me.
  7. septuscap

    Rocket is partially causing DC'ers

    Like TV said, this is already well known, you can probably stop spamming the forums and jerking each other off about it.
  8. You make yourself look bad by spouting random bullshit that makes no sense on closer inspection. Yea no shit a stupid idea would be stupid whether it comes from a bandit or a survivor -- but right now the stupid ideas are coming from survivors. I saw bandits (myself included) telling rocket "taking away makarovs would be a BAD idea" while PvE players said "YEA ROCKET IT'LL INCENTIVIZE TEAMWORK BLAH BLAH BLAH." Now I actually hear PvE players claiming bandits secretly wanted the change so they could camp the coast, and tricked everyone. Fucking seriously?
  9. Completely false. Even if you let the threads die' date=' some other retard will post the same exact thing the second he doesn't see it on the front page. The problem is that people think their ideas are clever and unique. THEY ARE NOT. The reason rocket hasn't fixed this problem or added that feature is because actually coding it takes TIME. If you've encountered some situation/bug that he might have missed, THAT WOULD MAKE YOU USEFUL. [hr']
  10. If you want to AVOID PvP' date=' that is entirely your perogative. You're not OWED a PvP-free play experience. I'm just curious, which bandit idea was stupid? I've never once seen a bandit post an idea for a game implementation, stupid or otherwise. Why? Because there are a myriad of ideas, none of which are original, and all of which spam the fucking forums with useless shit. You think rocket hasn't thought of adding player settlements, power grids to turn on lights at night, etc? You're not clever or useful for posting that shit.
  11. Perfect analogy, I lol'ed.
  12. Well your friends don't know what they're doing. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=SLCjAOybQq8&feature=player_detailpage#t=143s pause the video at 2:23, you can see the hill that has a flare on it completely saturated. o . . . . . . . F <- flare ^ you x <- enemy will still see you with NVG's. ------------------------- o <- you F <- flare x <- enemy will see only silhouettes. ------------------------- HILL F <- flare o <- you on hill below flare X <- NVG enemy will see washed out hill.