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Everything posted by septuscap

  1. septuscap

    Fucking annoying.

    It's your own fault for logging off in a high traffic area.
  2. Sometimes the "hitbox" is just completely off and I've had to walk up to a ladder and then face left as if the ladder wasn't even on the building. The arma interface is really just shit in every way. Why you can't just walk up to a ladder and just keep W pressed to start climbing up it, I'll never know.
  3. You misunderstand. Most people tell newbies to "get off the coast" so as to avoid getting killed. But apparently people getting spawn rushed (ie. not getting off the coast), is just cause for taking makarovs away.
  4. Training zeds is nothing new. In fact most PvE players cry about it as some form of griefing. ANYTHING EXCEPT SHOOTING ZEDS AND TALKING TO PLAYERS IS GRIEFING GUYS.
  5. I've domed plenty of people with a makarov' date=' snuck up on snipers in Cherno, etc. and thanks to spawn campers, started my life with alice packs + dmr's + m9sd's + gps, etc. Personally I've only ever run into a spawn rusher once, and he only came back because I was low on blood and he thought he could do me in. I find the inconsistency kind of funny though -- the new spawn should "RUN NORTH ASAP," but the guy getting spawn rushed has no obligation to get off the coast?
  6. The trick to this is to simply approach the random from a position of strength. You're 10x more likely to get out of it alive. Too many people just wander out in the open yelling "FRIENDLY IN CHERNO???" (in side chat no less) and then actually wonder why they die.
  7. Yea this is a really important change -- I've no clue why rocket had avatars persist for only 5 seconds after disconnect, it's completely useless.
  8. wtb zombie hordes. Honestly nothing would add more fear to the game than the possibility of 100 zombies lurking about. It's simply too easy to deal with zombies right now when you know where they all are and how many there'll be. It has nothing to do with the individual strength of zombies, it is that players can PREPARE for it because it's a completely known, measurable threat. Imagine getting into a firefight in Cherno only to attract a horde that happened to be wandering by. That's the fucking game I want to play.
  9. Oh so you were one of those idiots who didn't even know a toolbox cuts wire fencing, but sees fit to provide suggestions to balance the game. I'm sure you run along roads too and think it's no fault of your own when you get killed. Just those damned bandits messing up the game!
  10. I have had people pop out all of a sudden, and in fact my friend has logged out in cities before, and it's pretty comical when we're all logging in to play and he's like "OH GOD THERE'S PEOPLE EVERYWHERE." So first I would say, remember that not everyone who spawns in "behind you" is hacking and ghosting behind you. There is a great deal of randomness involved. Second, keep tabs on the lower left corner of the game -- it will tell you when people are d/c'ing + connecting. Third, stay alert. Just because you checked a room, treeline, or whatever, doesn't mean it's safe. This goes DOUBLE for forests, not only b/c people may log in under a tree somewhere, but because it's the FOREST and any random player could easily stumble into you. Also, in case you're being stalked -- be especially wary when you leave cities. The easiest place to pick up a mark is as they leave a city, b/c there's generally some open field you have to run through to get to the treeline, and it's really easy to spot people as they dart across (even easier when you see newbies who try and crouch walk or crawl through the open field -- you want to sprint as fast as possible). Don't assume you're safe once you hit the treeline -- the highest odds of picking up a tail are here, so sprint full speed and keep looking behind you. If you keep full speed, your pursuer will have to sprint to keep up and thus be easier to spot.
  11. It's not?... Edit: the OP said it DECREASED 2 minutes, as in from 33 minutes to 31 minutes.
  12. septuscap

    Why is everyone I meet an ***hole?

    Again, you can't recognize players you know from strangers b/c they all use the same 10 skins. Shit's broken you retard.
  13. septuscap

    The Water Bottle?

    Definitely agreed that if you can't drink from ponds/rain/whatever directly, players should be started with a water bottle (empty if need be).
  14. Dying within the first few minutes isn't counted in the stats. Funny how certain you thought you were, I think I'll quote Bertrand Russel now: "The whole problem with the world is that fools and fanatics are always so certain of themselves, and wiser people so full of doubts." - Bertrand Russell