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About Plexuzgaming

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    On the Coast

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  1. Plexuzgaming

    Whats this''system.net.WebExpection''

    Here's The problem ... First of all use Dayz commander instead of six launcher Link below http://www.dayzcommander.com/ Its better you can see what time it is on the server . And alot of other stuffs you might have to update the Dayz mod , but the launcher will do that for you if you just Press ''Versions'' Or just follow the webpage I linked. I hope this will help you guys
  2. HHello guys I've been using the six launcher for a time now and never had any problem but last night when i tried to launch it this came up ? I have tried to re install just the launcher (Did not work) i also tried to reinstall the arma II and the expansion and then install the launcher once again but that didint work eighter and im lack of ideas now so please someone help thx ! <--- There's the error Warning