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About TheIrishSpaniard

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  1. TheIrishSpaniard

    Will anyone else play KOS in SA when it comes out?

    I'm gonna play the hero aspect not like a care bear hero more like a need anything? no fine I'm out
  2. There is a problem with modding because ARMA is a very open game to modding. ARMA allows users to edit the game to add new maps and weapons and game modes such as DayZ so the community can play the game their way but due to this it is very easy to get "hacks". SA will not be as open and it will also have a lot of the spawning and teleport stuff moved to server side only this will halt a lot of the modding that has been running rampant in DayZ. I believe I am correct in this from what I have seen about SA.
  3. TheIrishSpaniard

    DayZ: Get Flanked!

    you didn't really flank them you were always coming from the side you just happened to see them
  4. TheIrishSpaniard

    My rig and major cities

    It may be the server if it's a custom server it may have alot of extra buildings,vehicles,weapons that may lag your pc
  5. TheIrishSpaniard

    CD help.

    Hello, I need your guys help I tried to join a breaking point server and it wouldn't let me stay trying and one server says CD key in use. I have always joined servers that were legit so I don't know how it could have been stolen.
  6. TheIrishSpaniard

    AMD beats Intel in DayZ?? (read review + watch video)

    I hate people who use headings that state something and have?? If you're going to do this say does amd beat intel in dayz?. Having a title like that shows you are a view whore.
  7. TheIrishSpaniard

    DayZ Standalone Confirmed

    I heard December 21st if this is true I SEE WHAT YOU DID THERE
  8. TheIrishSpaniard

    hackers on UK266

    right now onn dobryy there is 2 hackers i killed both of them then 5 seconds later i got tped to and shot one of them is daniel. also it was pretty pro they killed me before when i came back the both had ghilles i had an axe ran up hit one he had m4a1 cco sd killed him his friend had the same missed ran out of ammo i grabbed the others m107 and sprayed him and i knew he was a hacker then because he hid his body straight away
  9. TheIrishSpaniard

    dangerous animals

    I would like to see some dangerous animals like bears and wolfs to increase the difficulty I don't know if you can add it but if you could it would be awesome. They could be able to detect you easier that zombies and maybe bears take a few shots to kill