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Everything posted by ghostoflegend11

  1. (skip to the ***** for the gist of what i'm saying)Honestly, coming from a guy like me who hasnt even watched seananners before this, you dont make a very valid arguement. he didnt spawn the items in from what i saw, and anyone who is offered the chance to get the best guns/cars in the game would either take the(which is the popular choice) or leave it.it isn't exactly his fault, and just because he posted the video you decided to choose him. ***** in short im trying to say that he isnt at fault for taking the stuff that any average person would take, its kinda like a hacked lobby in the 2 popular console FPS games COD and BF, if you get into a hacked lobby no one is going to report you for being in it, and if anyone was going to get reported it'd be the hacker themselves. if you dont understand anything i'm trying to say PM/quote me i"ll attempt to get back ASAP(not fully english yet =/) :)