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tet5uo (DayZ)

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About tet5uo (DayZ)

  • Rank
    Helicopter Hunter
  1. tet5uo (DayZ)

    Weapon Stats on Day Z DB/Wiki are wrong?

    What the hell? I've never one-shot a zombie with any pistols unless it was to the head. You can give them 4-5 shots to the body often and still not kill them.
  2. tet5uo (DayZ)

    Q&A: Ask an Ex Infanteer about tactics and help

    Like anyone wants tactical advice from someone with a gay pony as their avatar.
  3. tet5uo (DayZ)

    DayZ Development Blog #2: The integration begins

    Does it being on the same engine as Arma2 OA mean that we still have to put up with the terrible lighting system? I was hoping for some better night-time play with the more advanced lighting of Arma 3 :(
  4. I'll find a new board-game then, cause this one is badly designed.
  5. tet5uo (DayZ)

    Global ban transfered out of DayZ?

    If someone is enough of a selfish asshat to cheat in an online game, they get what's coming to them. It's alot safer for these morons now that the internet is around. Natural selection was reducing the numbers of these idiots in the past, as to be a sociopathic asshat wasn't protected by internet anonymity and they would get punched in the throat alot more than nowadays.
  6. tet5uo (DayZ)

    The case of the disappearing cow....

    This thread Moo-ved me to tears.
  7. tet5uo (DayZ)

    What do you think?

    I would have gotten myself to soemwhere I knew exactly where I was and just let myself die. Then run back when respawned and pick up all the gear. You'd have to be pretty unlucky for soomeone to come by and loot your corpse before you got back to it. That's the only nice thing about dying to zombies or the environment, at least your loot will still be sitting there on your body when you get back.
  8. tet5uo (DayZ)

    A new level of hack.

    I got shot yesterday by a guy holding nothing in his hands. He had no visible weapon, but was shooting rounds that sounded like a Minigun and had green tracers on them O.o
  9. tet5uo (DayZ)

    Does the DMR now zero?

    Also in lingor, you can attach the military flashlight to your shoulder and use different filters on it. :D
  10. tet5uo (DayZ)

    Ban before i started playing?

    Someone got banned, can't figure out how to add his new CD key he bought so he comes here with the lame "my sister got banned on this PC" excuse. It's pretty fucking transparent. Hopefully you learned your lesson OP and stop the cheating, but I have a feeling you'll end up getting this new CD key banned too shortly.
  11. tet5uo (DayZ)

    Message to hackers

    The average person is a selfish asshole. Many average people play games.
  12. You need to "see" them in game. Like if you haven't looked in that direction, you won't see the map markers. It only reveals units that you have had your screen-view on recently.
  13. If they were cheating, why would they be insisting others should see them too?
  14. You won't see the little dots if you haven't moved your view over them yet. Maybe your friends just look around more than you.