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Techpriest (DayZ)

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About Techpriest (DayZ)

  • Rank
    On the Coast
  1. Techpriest (DayZ)

    Light Show... Give some Zeds flashlights in their hands.

    I like the idea, but it doesn't play to realism. Zombies would mostly scratch you then smack your head with a blunt weapon. They wouldn't even know how to operate a flashlight. In their mind, "How does it benefit me?" If it doesn't then they won't even use a flashlight.
  2. Techpriest (DayZ)

    Character Traits not Classes

    I have negetive comments about your suggestions. Please don't be insulted. A hunter. How does a hunter gain more meat? Does it magically appears? Explain how in real life, a professional hunter can get extra meat from an animal that only gives (example) 3 meat. A doctor. Anyone can set up a broken bone. Only doctors can set up bone with perfect success. A cook. I don't see how a cook can make you get blood faster. Sure, the meat might be good to eat, but it doesn't just get you more blood. A thug. "No one else can take an owned car without the keys" Oh really? *smash car glass* *car alarm* *zombie come running at the car.* *zombies see you* *You're dead* Yes, that quote sounds excellent.
  3. Techpriest (DayZ)

    The realistic way about our body

    You know, you don't really have to be fit, Fit just make you run faster than a zombie's sprinting speed Also, you don't like the idea how you can get an internal backpack which is your stomach, which can store all that food crap so you can store more ammo in your regular backpack?
  4. Techpriest (DayZ)

    The realistic way about our body

    Not really, if you don't eat as much. You don't really need to exercise as much. So, people don't start thinking: Oh my god! A cooked meat! *Eats can of beans* *picks up* Then, you carry on with your live. If you eat a can of beans without wasting the energy. You can walk it out or run it out to quickly burn that energy up, otherwise if you keep eating food the energy that is not wasted will become fat. Which may become useful in times when you don't have any food left. :D If you don't see a value for storing your blood, it is for "camping." If you have tons of meat that you can regenerate your blood back, you can probably eject blood into a clean bag to produce a 1 pinter blood bag. However, these differ from 1 pinter and 12 pinter blood bags. 1 pinter can only restore 1,000. While 12 pinter is the default blood bag, restores all. The 1 pint blood bag can be used to restore your own blood back. No need to find blood bags in hospitals just find a clean bag to eject your blood out. Also the blood types will be randomly picked instead of the player choosing the blood type. :D, so if you get lucky with the O type. You're in good luck.
  5. Techpriest (DayZ)

    The realistic way about our body

    When I was playing in Day Z, I noticed how I sprint often to run away from zombies rather than shoot them. Then, I noticed that hunger and thirst are depleted in an amount of time, even though I wasn't even carrying anything heavy at all. Then, I thought of a suggestion, and how this thread was created was because of that notice. Let's make our body more realistic. --------------------------------------- When you spawn, you have an average weight, height and strength of a normal homo sapien. Meaning, you can get fat by wearing tons of food and not sprinting often, or become fit by sprinting a lot, being on a good diet and patricipating in a lot of melee fights. As you know a ration of food(canned food or some food) can keep you full for 3 real life hours. So, if you do nothing in the 3 hours, except walking and looting. Hunger won't deplete as fast, and as long as you keep that 3 hours of energy by consuming food, your body won't have to be a cannibal. Yes, as you know if the body run out of energy consumed from the ration of food, the body will start to cannibalize by using energy from the fat. When the body start to cannibalize by using energy from the fat, the body will begin losing weight, allowing the person to sprint faster. However, if your body starts to cannibalize too much of the fat. You will not be sprinting faster, instead you will be sprinting slower. As your fat provide energy reserves for the body will soon disappear, this will result in weaker muscles, slower blood flows and reduced visions and hearing. However, if you keep eating like a fat little boy at a chocolate factory. The energy that has not been used will become energy reserves stored in the fat. Making the body gain weight, resulting in slower movement and having a "hard" time getting up after laying down. However, in order to have a perfect body. One must have a good diet and must exercise often. Now, let's talk about diet. Sure sure, meat is good for restoring blood, so can a blood tranfusion and all those can of beans. Meat is bad and good for you! If you eat a ration of meat, it will provide you 4 hours of energy instead of 3 hours. However, if you eat too much meat(Tons of carbonhydrates in these food). The body will become unhealthly and may have heart disease(Which can never be cured OH NOZ). Heart disease is a bad impact on the body. Once a person have it, he will sprint much slower than usual, even if he/she is fit. However, heart disease will soon kill you, if you keep consuming tons of carbonhydrates. However, even though heart disease is a burden to carry for the rest of your character's life, it can be less of a burden. If you keep maintaining a good diet and keep exercising, the heart disease will still be there, but it won't be much of a trouble in the future. Alright, now let's talk about blood transfusion. Sure, you can get all of your blood back from a blood bag, but which type of blood bags? There should be 4 types of blood bags: A type, B type, AB type, O type. As you spawn in a random location, you will be forced to choose a blood type. If you pick a blood type that is common, you may find tons of blood bags, but you are unable to find them, since EVERYONE IS GOING TO PICK THAT. But, if you pick a rare blood type, you might as well eat food to restore blood, but if you find a blood bag just for your type, you're in luck. However, if you attempt to put a blood bag of a different type in your body, you might as well be dead. However, some blood types such as AB type can accept A and B type blood bags. Meaning, if you chose your blood to be AB, then you can use 3 types of blood bags. Also, when you do a tranfusion with the blood bag, all you have is a "dirty" bag. You can clean it with water for now. Once you have a clean bag from cleaning the dirty bag with water. You can now donate blood and keep it in reserves. So, if you have tons of blood and have enough to spare some. Then you can eject blood from your body into the bag to produce a blood bag. However, you can only eject a certain amount of blood(about 1-2 pints.) If you eject too much blood, you will lose couscioiness(However people spell it.). Also, if you decide to eject blood and give it to somebody, make sure their body can accept that blood type. Only one blood type can donate to all blood types: The O blood type, which can be useful as they can become "medics" That's all for now, any type(Positive or negetive) of feedback would be customary!