your M240?? to be correct? if so i can offer M4 SD, AS 50, M107, FN FAL (NV scope), ghille/camo suit and yes they come with mags but im limited if you dont want these ask me for something i might have it
i need SVD Camo sandbags M240 im willing to trade satchel charge M4 SD AS 50 M107 L85 M9SD Ghillie/camo suit and many more basic weps and items let me know if its something i dont have ill go find it i would perfer PMs for comunication but it would be better for a steam convo my steam name is HugoStiglitz or my Steam E-mail is
i hit you up on steam im HugoStigIitz i have many of these items if you need i can trade would you happen to have sand bags or SVD?? if you do i can make it worth your time
im looking to trade for a SVD camo with some mags tell me what you need and i should have it im also looking for sandbags once again willing to trade almost anything