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About darkfire4

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    On the Coast
  1. another new idea i just had though it has probably been said before is tracking Tracking: everyone im sure has noticed the tracks of you car when driving in game and how they disappear in a few seconds, the same goes for footsteps and grass when you've been crawling. these things i believe should last for 1-2 min so that players could effectively "hunt" one another. another thing to add to this is a blood trail so an injured player will leave a trail of blood that can be found by another player, the the frequency of finding blood could be determined by how fast the injured is bleeding, and of course the trail would stop if the player bandaged. another map: a map similar to the size of Chenaus, but has a more diverce ecosystem and climate, such as a swampish area, a simi-tropical area (think Lingor), and in the north a snowy region (think Namalsk), also have an extreemly hard to reach area that is say over very steep very tall mountains which you cant fly or drive over (Due to the freezing temps the vehicles freeze up or something) and over the mountains have the best loot spawns we've ever seen. also in order to have a cold weather area of course cold weather gear, including winter camo that is usless in the other regions as normal camo would be in the north
  2. i also think there should be a way to manually combine mags so you dont have a bunch of half empty mags in your inventory
  3. Weapon fixes/adjustments M107/AS50 Adjustment as much as every one loves using these two guns they are extreemly OP (thats why everyone loves to use them) i thought that since they are both one shot kills they should be nerfed, however that would take the only two anti-vehicle rifles out of the game. then i thought of this, get rid of hold right mouse button for extra zoom on all sniper rifles exept on the 107 and AS50, however rid the 107 and AS50 of the zeroing feature so the shooter has to more accuratly calculate the shot since all he has to do is hit the target, instead of aim for the head. Sniping General another way to prevent the stand alone from becoming sniper infested like the maps of Lingor and (from what I've heard) Takastan would be add into the equation wind and weather, a little flag in the corner of the screen to tell which way the wind is and the speed could really make sniping alot more challeging and in my mind more fun. Sights and Scopes in my opinion the thermal sight is OP, is it needed i would say yes in order to kill a sniper in a ghille, however i do believe the range may be a little to far and i believe that the temerature of the surroundings should have an effect. M240 on UH-1H this is a problem that i have found annoying, runout of ammo and have 240 rounds in the choppers cargo hold? to bad you cant rearm these guns that needs fixed. Skill tree anyone? and i dont mean you have abilities and a hotbar. if anyone has played MAG for PS3 im thinking sort of like that, say have small skill trees that stay with your character on respawn, but give very small bonuses like a tree that at the end of it gives you a 5% speed increace when sprinting, or makes you slightly more stealthy to zombies, or a tree that makes you slightly more stable when aiming down sights of a gun with a scope. just small things that dont do a whole lot but just might be the difference in getting the kill, or not being detected by zombie (or player), or getting out of a bad situation. again these are jut ideas im throwing out there im sure others have already said the samethings but these are changes i would like to see i personally dont care about building a huge fortified base or having over customisible characters, i just want improved gameplay, the game needs some of the limits taken off that arma2 has in place, but the game isnt broken, if it was we wouldnt be playing. and as my parents always said "if it ain't broke, dont fix it."
  4. darkfire4

    Graphic Issue

    i am experiencing the same graphic tearing issues near dead bodies both soldiers and zombies that i believed the hot patch was supposed to fix im sure it has been reported already but i figured i might as well post it again.
  5. darkfire4

    Graphical Issues

    What Happened: when in the area of Balota Airstrip in the South West, i experienced severe graphical tearing when traveling what i assume was east (coast to my right), this began to occur approx. 100m to the west the army encampment and continued eastward for an unknown distance. the problem angled back to the NE to the airfeild itself. however the problem is drastically reduced and occasionally stops if you turn and face west (coast to the left). i reffer to the coast for i did not have a map or compass Where it Happened: Balota Airstrip and surrrounding area What were you doing: travelling east (coast to my right) and looting current installed version: servers you were on: Roosterteeth servers US124-US127 System Specs: windows 7 ult 64 bit OS, Intel Core i7-2670QM CPU @ 2.20GHz, nvidia GeForce GT540m w/ 2GB memory driver version 296.10, and 8GB RAM Timeline: walked around, killed some zombies, found a car drove till the graphics tore then got out and looked around