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Everything posted by MickGinger0

  1. Please enjoy my funny and probably educational video on dying in DayZ...or at least just a video of every death I've died in this game. IF you want HD, you have to click the "Watch on Youtube" button http://youtu.be/BXod5z61JGs
  2. https://www.youtube....be_gdata_player
  3. I saw some zombies in the distance so I tried to lay low and see if someone was around. Then I heard a noise... https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=L4GEFT9_da8
  4. MickGinger0

    Identify what Killed me - Did I just get run over?

    I would pay at least 10 cents for a video of that....and that is a good thing.
  5. MickGinger0

    How to lose Chasing Zombies, even a "horde"

    Hrmph, that sounds really interesting.
  6. HAHAHAA!!! It's to die for!
  7. That is a rough way to go!!!
  8. haha, Somebody commented that at first he was pained remembering his deaths, but then he couldn't stop laughing and wished it was 10 minutes longer. Hilarious!
  9. MickGinger0

    Identify what Killed me - Did I just get run over?

    That's what I thought it was, I think I saw a puffy tail.
  10. Quick Tips Playlist This is a playlist for new players, based on just some of the many questions I have seen over and over again on the forums in the past few dayz. I know that there are other video's covering some of this info, but none that are all in one place and shorter than 60 seconds. If you have an idea for a quick tutorial I can create in <60 seconds I'll see about adding it to this playlist. Thanks,
  11. MickGinger0

    Quick Tips playlist for New players

    That's the feedback I was looking for, thanks for sharing!
  12. Are you saying you don't like the title of the video? @Sula, thanks!
  13. MickGinger0

    Quick Tips playlist for New players

    Good luck out there new guys!
  14. http://youtu.be/ugQB01iRaOM Not that this video requires HD, but if you want that option you may have to click the youtube button on the video to get that option. Thanks for watching, I hope you enjoy the videos. If anyone has something they want to see, request it on my channel and I'll try to make it happen.
  15. MickGinger0

    Easy, Quiet, No Gun, Barn Zombie Extermination

    Yeah, I prefer to run through buildings to lose them in a city.
  16. ? I had a post to reply to but it looks like it was deleted.
  17. MickGinger0

    Identify what Killed me - Did I just get run over?

    Still no one knows what killed me.
  18. MickGinger0

    Easy, Quiet, No Gun, Barn Zombie Extermination

    Do you have an easier way to get rid of Zombie's that are chasing you?
  19. MickGinger0

    Quick Tips playlist for New players

    Make new requests and I'll get them done!
  20. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=e5zowlPwUBI Click here for the full Quick Tip Playlist, most videos less than 60 seconds
  21. MickGinger0

    Quick Tip 4 - Cooking, Feat. Old Man Herbert

    I don't know what a Joshua Graham skin is
  22. MickGinger0

    Quick Tip 4 - Cooking, Feat. Old Man Herbert

    It was awesome for him to stop by for this video!