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Everything posted by MorphineJunkie

  1. MorphineJunkie

    Stable Update 1.0150627

    Yes unfortunately since you need a twitter account to actually browse twitter. (Well there is ways around it, like only using the search feature, but its not ideal). And also Twitter is a terrible service and a terrible company.
  2. MorphineJunkie

    At what point do we consider DayZ dead online?

    Yeah, to be honest they really did an oopsie calling this 1.0, it was a bad marketing strategy and made it seem like cash grab. I dont know how long it takes for dayz team to implement the stuff they had earlier, like more vehicles etc. But they shouldn't have called this 1.0, seemed like a purposeful deathblow to the title.
  3. MorphineJunkie

    At what point do we consider DayZ dead online?

    I agree the steam stats look a little bleak. The game is no PUBG for sure, but I would say that its getting healthier compared to last year. Maybe if the devs sort out some of the game breaking, rage quitting bugs like vehicles that fly if wheels are missing etc. it will stabilize. You will never see 50.000 players online on dayz anymore, that time has long passed. I do hope that dayz team manages to retain a loyal playerbase. I had the most fun I ever had on dayz SA the last two months. Community servers with dedicated communities are key to having fun in this game imo. Also mods that fix game balance flaws that devs refuse to realize are present, like base building that is completely useless on official servers etc.
  4. MorphineJunkie

    Who actually build bases and repair cars?

    Building bases is only fun on community servers with DisableBaseDestruction...
  5. MorphineJunkie

    At what point do we consider DayZ dead online?

    Maybe if you sorted by player count instead of ping you would get a more honest image of how many players there are. Empty servers usually have great ping 😉 https://imgur.com/a/3afG6QE
  6. MorphineJunkie

    Stable Update 1.01

    There should be more tiers in base building, sure you should be able to destroy walls with an axe, but in under 1 minute? Really? Also the only real upgrades you can make to walls are metal plates and barb wire, both can be removed with pliers, so with 9 inventory slots worth of low tier equipment you can break into any base. I think there should be tiers: - Wood, fine destroy with whatever - metal sheets, can be downgraded with pliers for all I care, but only from the inside Maybe even make new types of fence like Concrete & Rebar walls (fireproof, can be removed with sledgehammer only) RPGs should be implemented, be super rare but be able to take down any wall fast. Molotovs could be implemented to take down any wooden wall that is upgraded with metal sheets, but will take 10-20min ingame time and light up the area with smoke and fire (kinda like heli crashes in the mod) so other players can see it. Anyways these are just my top of the head suggestions for balancing out official dayz. I am already having a blast on community servers with basebuilding, but its not worth it on official. Barbed wire could also have a more significant role than it has currently in the game, its useless pretty much now because you can easily remove it with pliers in about 5 seconds.
  7. MorphineJunkie

    Stable Update 1.01

    I don't think that being able to climb any wall by glitching on top of two planks should be a thing in a game with base building no. By all means there should be raiding mechanics etc, but the way it is done in this game is a joke, thats why you see basically all community servers with a player pop higher than 20 use mods such as build anywhere and disablebasedestruction. For anyone wondering, cars are still not much better than before.
  8. MorphineJunkie

    Stable Update 1.01

    Not on some modded servers. But there is plenty of ways to glitch inside bases (Using cars by leaving a seat close to a fence, good old plank stacking etc) There is some modded servers where you can have a base, but raids happen.
  9. MorphineJunkie

    Stable Update 1.01

    It works now, it was because of a mod on the server (doh). Can't blame you guys for all my lifes problems it seems. Unfortunately not. It has only happened a few times for me, might be mod related as well? The zombie was shaking very rapidly down hill while it happened. I will try to save it next time 🙂 If I go to sights with a scoped mosin I loose my torso for the rest of the game. (Modded server, but owners say it happens in vanilla also?) Also did you remove some places where you used to be able to fill bottles around streams? Seems like I can only refill at rocky places now.
  10. MorphineJunkie

    Stable Update 1.01

    Could some one from the dayz team give a statement about the game breaking bugs introduced this update? So far I have these issues: - Many actions don't show. Can't unlock combination locks (Im locked out of my base), drink from water sources etc. - Actions that does show up don't work, like opening a tuna can - Wierd graphical glitches where zombies get real thicc, as in 10 meters wide but not taller.
  11. MorphineJunkie

    Civ. Helicopters

    I have wondered about this too, there already is a civilian skinned helicopter in arma: Mi17_Civilian http://community.bistudio.com/wiki/File:Arma2_mi17_civ.jpg
  12. MorphineJunkie

    Performance idea

    Making all game logic run server side has already been confirmed: http://dayzdev.tumbl...y-it-is-it-isnt This will not only increase client performance but eliminate script-cheats like teleporting all players, turning players into goats, spawn of weapons, vehicles etc. and probably make stuff like fixing duplication glitches etc a LOT easier. One thing i really hope for is that the team considers not sending vehicle/tent/player position unless the player is within a certain range of the object, simply to prevent ESP hacks totally! When a buddy of mine started using ESP hacks, the game was really ruined for me and i haven't really played since, because: A. Surviving is LAME if you know where all players / vehicles are located B. It was obvious that eventhough I played on dayzRP a self-proclaimed no cheat private hive, there were ESP hackers everywhere.
  13. MorphineJunkie

    larger buildings combat moves and more

    For the love of god, be DESCRIPTIVE in the thread title.
  14. MorphineJunkie


    I will miss the debug monitor, it helped keeping track of blood/health and it IS very rewarding to see a 700zombie kill count (for me at least)
  15. MorphineJunkie

    impossible playZ

    It should be harder, and zombies should IMO run faster!!! As it is right now, as long as your are running, the zeds will never get to you, then run into a building, or through some bushes, make a sharp turn, and voila, zombies is de-agro'ed..
  16. MorphineJunkie

    Sugestion to solve the spawnkilling

    Just run like hell, most spawn snipers are terrible anyways. I don't get the fuss about those spawn snipers, its not like you loose days of progress, you just spawned! But then again, i don't know how big a problem it is, since i don't hangaround cherno and haven't respawned for two weeks.
  17. MorphineJunkie

    cars keep disappearing

    Maybe there should be a stickied known bugs list somewhere? All this time, i thought someone kept stealing my vehicles. I have had about 2 PBX, 5 ATVs and a few cars, but i can't seem to keep them for more than a day.
  18. MorphineJunkie


    Maybe i have taken permanent damage from all the OSS i work with, I dunno. (Well not really, since I NEVER SUGGESTED IT GOING OPEN SOURCE.. again, WHY WONT IT READ??!?) To be honest i don't see anything wrong in wanting to participate in making a mod, I mean i can't be the only one in a million who actually considered offering him a hand? Mods are supposed to be user driven (Well no one is to judge that really, but mods usually depends ALOT on the userbase volounteers etc.), im not suggesting that anyone could simply push a change to the repository, im suggesting maybe getting a little more volounteers since rocket is obviously busy (and with good reason, PR is not bad, not bad at all)! You have to agree that it has been a little stale since the last update, and im certainly not blaming anyone.
  19. MorphineJunkie


    Please re read my post. I am more or less asking to suck the rocket and work on the mod, but i KNOW that there are more talented people than me outthere, so i havent signed up.. I mean i have made some mods for arma for the sheer laugh, but i KNOW that there must be someone better than me, besides i work 40 hours a week, plus personal/friends projects. Maybe you are the man who is up for that? Since your glorious development e-penis is raging red and 12feet tall and you feel that my abilities as a codemonkey, squishing bugs is somewhat insufficient to yours.
  20. MorphineJunkie


    Katniss you are totally missing the point of my posts. Dayz will be handed to the community when the game goes standalone, so that is not much of a help to the situation as is. Of course i will make comments about your attentionspan when you don't even read posts. Leave my mom out of this kid!
  21. MorphineJunkie


    No im simply stating that there is no point in lecturing me about software development. I am not talking down to anyone, but you sure seem to enjoy doing so, so i will let you have that pleasure. You seem to be waving your tiny e-peen the most i'd say since you by your statements are superior to me. I was talking about IDEALS and how i WOULD have handled it, and you proceed to talk down to me. Jesus christ what is it with you people. Now PLEASE! Have some beans and go shove them up your ass and go circle jerking with the others who obviously are just here to troll and feel superior.
  22. MorphineJunkie


    You just proved my point.. No one reads on this forum. What is your attention span? Is it measured in picoseconds?
  23. MorphineJunkie


    Maybe it helps people like you who, obviously can't read through posts. I find it annoying and childish. First of all there is a great difference between "Bitching" about something and bringing it to attention. That being said i totally agree with you that there is too much bitching about the same topics here. Especially the topics "Wire fench glitches", "Tent save", "hackers" and last but NOT least "BITCHING"!!! - I work in software development, don't judge me dude. I know how stuff like this works! I understand how bugs can happen, especially in early development. What i DONT get is the way releases are handled. The ideal for me would be STABLE releases for people who just want it to work, and a repository (git or svn) for those of us who wants the latest revisions availible. A stable revision is one that has been through some sorts of QA tests, which the latest patch obviously hasn't. - No he is not. But as some have probably brought to your attention, it is a pretty neat gesture if you wan't to keep your community blooming. You don't have open testing before you have the basic parts of the game near finished. simple as that! But I do agree that people are bitching way too much over a mod. but i think it is related to the fact that mods is oldschool (Back in the CS pre 1.x days, everyone knew what a mod was, today there is no mods, hell nearly all mainstream games are non-moddable). Kids these days simply have no idea of what a mod is and what obligations the author has or hasnt. And actually the FAQ mentions a more flowing release system. - snipped from the FAQ thread regarding RDP access to servers. (I know that RDP isnt used anymore by dayz staff, but this also reflects that there is very little update from dayz "staff") Have i claimed that this is anything BUT a very crude alpha? no? OK? so STFU and stop stuffing my mouth with your own words. I didnt understand what again? You are doing that thing again you prejudice troll. I didn't buy Arma for dayz, i had Arma2 long before i even heard of this mod. Please go back a little an READ my post, and you will see that im not really being QQ about anything. Regards MJ PS. Why don't you guys cut out the circlejerking about whiners. It should be the forum mods responsibility to lock those threads, what you are doing is called backseat moderation, and should be a bannable offense.
  24. MorphineJunkie


    Quoting a post 3 times doesnt make it right. I think that playability is key to testing new elements and game balance, but then again i might be wrong.
  25. MorphineJunkie


    So if rocket is so busy making PR for the game, and doesnt have time for the mod or whatever, then why not use some volounteers to at least fix the broken parts of the mod? I bet alot of dudes on this forum knows a bit of SQF, the save bug for instance is as far as i know a matter of a missing operator in a IF sentence, something that should take like 10 minutes MAX to fix... Please note that im not QQ'ing im trying to be constructive. But anywho on topic: You are all being dicks, moderators, rocket zealots and opposites likewise. Both sides needs to get the sand out of their vags and be a little more polite, it is no mystery that people complain, its totally natural since the last patch broke more stuff than it fixed / implemented. If you start raging whenever people are legitimately asking questions about this, you are just being a dick, the last few patches was spewed out in a very short timespan, but when stuff actually needs fixing it suddenly takes weeks or month to push out a patch? Yeah i totally understand the frustration, i understand the need to vent this frustration too (Without being called a selfentitled 12 year old cod fag with mental disorders). Alot of people has purchased arma for the sole purpose of playing this mod, so from their perspective they gave "something" perhaps not to rocket, but they - wether you like it or not, made an investment to even play this game, and yes i understand that frustration, if you don't YOU are likely the one with a sociopathic disorder of some sorts..