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Everything posted by waphlez

  1. waphlez

    Squad Size

    Squads of 4 work nice. If at night, I prefer only having a one other player as my wingman; it's very hard to coordinate at night with groups (unless you all have NVG or something).
  2. waphlez

    Dying needs to have consequences

    How to play DayZ deathmatch: 1) Spend 10 minutes looking for CZ or Enfield. 2) Go to beach, pick off unsuspecting players. 3) If at anytime you die, go back to 1.
  3. waphlez

    The Problems With Tents

    I heard that it was difficult to place tents before, but after seeing the changelog I was hoping it would be much easier. Well a friend and I both had tents today, and we could not place them anywhere. Even on perfectly flat area like a road wouldn't accept it.
  4. I like the idea of specialized gear. Sure it might not make physical sense, but your idea isn't bad. What I think will be a cool idea, is for each player to spawn with a couple random traits/skills. These skills will remain hidden and inactive until a certain amount of time has been played on that character (you get one at X hours, then a 2nd at Y hours, etc). This rewards players who have long character lives and prevents people from just respawning until they get the traits/skills they want. Though a problem I foresee is people just AFKing until they unlock everything, but really, I see most players just playing the game while waiting for these to unlock. The idea is that survivors develop/discover things about themselves as they try and survive. For example, I'm sure there are some people who would be amazing marksman, but never took the time to pick up a firearm in their life, and remain hidden from themselves. Depending on the various traits/skills, this is relative to the topic since as players in a group discover more of them, they might specialize certain roles to people. These don't have to be obvious, for example one trait might be faster sprinting. Maybe a situation will arise where this will help a group in someway. Or they could be pretty obvious, such as a medic skill which gives benefits to this player for administering medicine (faster bandaging, might make bandages instantly stop bleeding if given by a medic, and those without this skill will still bleed a little bit, can bring back unconscious players without needed epi-pen, though it will take a a bit of time instead of being almost instant). The reason I like this, is that it adds a uniqueness to your character and alters how you interact in a group. If you look at stories about a group of adventures, you often find that certain characters have certain talents or abilities that make the group interesting to find out about. While we don't need classes to the extent those that exist in games like Battlefield and Team Fortress, it will contribute to the spirit of this game to have this dynamic. If Rocket ever adds a crafting system of any kind, these random skills could be used to make certain things exclusive to those that have this skill. For example, a player might eventually find out his character has skinning skill, and when gutting animals can get leather, which can be crafted into a coat which can help with staying warm, or special bags to give to other players. Or maybe a fine cook and can make better food which heals more blood. Boy scout trait that allows a player to make a fire using just sticks (though it may take a long time). The more traits the better so there could be lots of dynamic groups and new experiences for players (solo or not). There could also be negative traits such as "easily panicked", which causes a player to freak out easier when zombies are nearby (the whole heavy breathing thing), or good things like "strong immune system" which prevents a player from getting sick. Sure, this might not be balanced, and some traits may be really useful while others not so much, but the randomness would be really cool. Rocket has even said himself that unbalanced features can actually be a good thing in a survival game. How cool of a story would it be if you find out your buddy has a fear of water and physically can't swim when crossing a pond? I mean, there could be all sorts of traits like that. The reason a lot of games don't have many is because they're too concerned about balancing them out.
  5. waphlez


    I'm a pretty big STALKER fan but I will admit radiation seems a bit far fetched. Perhaps if they ever made a STALKER MMO similar to DayZ it would fit, but it just seems unnecessary in Chernarus. Maybe if there ever will be a hand-made map for DayZ it could have a ground zero as a result of the chaos created by the apocalypse with good loot that is irradiated (and needs suit to safely access).
  6. waphlez

    The Crossbow.

    Shoot bolt at hopping zombie, see bolt go through zombie and hit ground behind, zombie not slightly wounded. Never again.
  7. waphlez

    Player Classes + group perks

    I'm not completely against a perk system, but it would have to be done very carefully and not be too impacting on the gameplay. Also, having some ability to adjust your starting gear would be kind of cool (like giving up extra food for some more ammo, a slightly bigger pack, and what not). More than that, I think you're going too far and won't contribute positively to the mod. If you're idea is attempting to encourage more grouping, it doesn't really help. The incentive to form groups is there, the problem is the threat of running into bandits or being betrayed is so big that no one wants to form them. Instead, there should be more incentive to stay humane and then you will get more people grouping and less bandits running around.
  8. waphlez

    Getting on another character?

    Make sure you have the newest patch (v1.5.8.4) and join servers that also have the newest patch. It is also possible that the servers you have been playing on hasn't properly updated their server, so try others.
  9. waphlez

    HOTFIX Rolling Update

    Oh good, I just found a tent last night.
  10. waphlez

    What do we call our undead friends?

    Zombies, crawlers, and Rocket's change log has gotten me to say monkeys for the ones that hop around. :D What a peculiar xenophobic belief you have. :shy:
  11. waphlez

    Music you listen to while playing DayZ

    I will occasionally load a tune up, but sound is one of your most important senses in this game, and too important to obscure.
  12. waphlez

    How many people play dayZ?

    Alive characters may be a good way to see how many people are currently playing. Not sure if people disconnecting after they die (at the "you are dead" screen) are created new characters in the database yet, or if they have to respawn to show up in the statistics. Maybe an average between alive and unique for a rough estimate.
  13. :D:D Still getting used to the ballistics in this game, but was a pretty funny experience.
  14. waphlez

    IF this was an actual game...

    Well, if the game was similar to DayZ as it stands now, I would want a single stand alone purchase for the game/expansion/whatever. However... depending on the depth of the features and how well the game is supported in terms of content and servers, I would be willing to follow a subscription model. As someone who plays a lot of F2P games (World of Tanks, League of Legends, etc.), I would like you to avoid this model unless you seriously balance out premium options. Cosmetics are perfectly fine, gameplay advantages must be non existent, or so small it's negligible. It's not okay to say something is balanced because it costs so much money to obtain (don't balance items based on their price-tag!). LoL is one of the few F2P games that nailed down a solid and fair model on what content people can pay for. I love World of Tanks, but I will admit that 1) The premium ammo is bullshit (i.e. you can buy special ammo that has better stats than normal ammo; this ammo cannot be attained outside of using premium currency). 2) As you start accessing some of the endgame content, it is almost impossible to progress without having the premium account bonuses unless you're willing to spend a VERY large amount of time grinding in game currency. A premium account should help you progress, sure, but it shouldn't feel required at the higher levels of the game. 3) Some of the premium options are way too cost-prohibitive (converting premium currency to standard currency, converting different types of experience points). ------ For DayZ, if it would go to a F2P model, I would much rather there be a single paid upgrade to the full version (i.e. the cost of a game $20-$60 bucks). This upgraded version will have a good amount of new content and features(depending on the price of the upgrade) available to the people who upgrade. For example, the free version may just have one map that 99% of your player base will love, and as a result a good amount of players will just stick with this map instead of buying the full version with extra maps. This is a good thing, since it will hook a lot of players into your free game, and will make both free players and premium players content with playing on this map. Even if the free map is very very good, the regular player base of your game would still want to play with new content and will pay money to access it. I say this because of personal experience with BF3. The 'Back to Karkand' maps (which is a separate map pack that was given to preorders at no extra cost) are just so much better than the stock maps that came with BF3. As a result, nobody I know (including myself) wanted to go back to playing vanilla maps. As a result, the friends I had that didn't' have this map pack felt left out since they couldn't join our games. This schism is very toxic to the long-term success of a multiplayer game. On top of this premium version, it would be perfectly fine to sell cosmetic stuff like outfits at individual prices, as well as features or boosts (if it involves currency/XP points). Just follow this golden rule, a player's performance should be a reflection of his skill, not on how much RL money he spends (i.e the game should be free 2 player, and not pay 2 win). In terms more relative to DayZ, I am also highly hostile to the idea of giving ingame weapons or items to a player who buys them, even if the items are possible to obtain via free methods. Scavenging is possibly the biggest gameplay element of this mod. To simply give away items because they bought them would significantly jeopardize the legitimacy of player accomplishment in this game.
  15. Very interesting, I joined RU9 earlier (died in the night on US server, wanted to be in day to start my char back up). Right away I noticed something odd, a rocket was fired into the air in the town I spawned nearby. I then heard what sounded like a tank. I started recording some video and saw someone driving an APC (not sure what vehicle exactly, I'm not an Arma 2 player), running over trees and stuff. Pretty sure that's not a vehicle in DayZ. Also my friends that joined the server noticed other odd things, such as churches in places they shouldn't be. Something odd is happening on this server, and needs to be investigated.
  16. waphlez

    THE Firewood thread

    Yeah, would be nice if there were random spawns of wood in the forests, especially around downed trees. Perhaps an axe could be added as a utility item or something, and wood can be gathered.
  17. waphlez

    On the subject of Barracks

    Yes, they need to remove the concentration of high end gear, make it more spread out and reduce the chance rare gear will drop signifcantly. As is, server hoping for items is an annoying problem.
  18. waphlez

    What was your dumbest death?

    Climb top of lighthouse, prone, move over. Lighthouse breaks my legs and makes me bleed. No morphine (was new at the time, dropped them for ammo because I didn't know what they were for). Yes, a jolly red/white lighthouse broke my legs and left me as good as dead.
  19. Chernarus is a pretty awesome map, but could use some touches to make it fit the mod more such as more enterable buildings, perhaps more spread out military tents (right now, it seems the heavy firepower is a bit too concentrated). I wouldn't mind seeing a smaller, more urban map if people wanted to play that way (the urban combat is a nice change of pace from country side snipe fests).
  20. The Winchester is an insane zombie killer. Ammo spawn is super high, and the gun makes almost no noise, which I have no reason why. Hell, I don't even understand why some weapons are SO much louder than other. For example, why does the M1014 make so much more noise than the Winchester? I know that this is somewhat realistic (that some weapons are louder than others), but some of the values (looking at the wiki) don't make much sense to me when you think about them relative to their counterparts.
  21. The point is, you still choose to stream cheat, and use this information, which is clearly intended to entertain spectators, and use it to grief their stream by getting a clear advantage over them and specifically hunting them down. You chose to open his stream, and you chose to use that information. If he was just broadcasting this information in ingame chat, then yes it's his fault, but if you are purposefully using his stream to find where he is, and kill him or whatnot, then you are a douchebag. This happens all the time in other games like RTS games, and why I hate stream cheaters so much; it makes the community more toxic. Yes, you have the right to view his stream while playing, yes you can use this information to grief him, and yes, you should not be punished for it; but don't ever say you should not be considered a massive douchebag for doing it and put the blame on him.
  22. So if I leave my front door open, and someone comes into my house and kills me, it's all my fault?
  23. I showed this mod to my brother but found that you couldn't have multiple characters with the same copy of Arma 2 (I just assumed he could play with a different Arma profile). Is there a way to do this? he's willing to buy his own copy of the game if he has to, but would like to play on the same computer.
  24. I would say remove the scoped assault rifles like the M16A2 ACOG (far too powerful IMO, I have one atm, and it is so ammo efficient) but there should always be sniper rifles. The CZ 550 is pretty balanced since it only holds 5 rounds and ammo isn't too common. Keep sniper mag size low, keep sniper ammo rarity low. The price of using a sniper is being very restricted with how you use your ammo, but being very good at PvP.
  25. waphlez

    Player Journals

    Very cool, since this game is really about personal stories, it would only make the game more interesting. Also I would say for it to not use a normal inventory slot (maybe a gadget slot, you would only carry another person's journal to read it, then drop it), otherwise people would just drop it and not use it (why keep it when I can carry more ammo/food?). Please allow this.