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Everything posted by livbythegun

  1. This is my first installment in my "Let's Play" Series; basically this video will do 3 things for the viewer. First, show them what DayZ is like on an average playthrough. Second, show the the way I play the game. Lastly, show the the techniques and tricks I use to survive. I've always tried to stay away from long, uneventful videos, but I'm happy how this video turned out. I included fast forward parts, especially on the boring runs. But overall, this playthrough is 4x more eventful comparing to other DayZ videos. I encounter strangers and enemies; both that are willing to do anything, to survive. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=3iruMEW4fu4
  2. Thanks for the feedback. Ha, yeah if only I was thinking straight. Love the lightning in this game.
  3. I took a decent break from this game and now I'm back and looking for another player to survive with. I pretty much know everything about dayz, I make youtube tutorials etc. Must have a MIC and skype/ventrillo/teamspeak Hit me up on steam: livbythegun Let's play tonight! I'm not a bandit but I will defend myself if threatened.
  4. I love it also! I usually don't have to keep looking over my shoulder while I'm running through the forest or looting. It's really peaceful.
  5. Thanks for the feedback! I think this is the only time I'll say this but, thank god for bus stops!
  6. livbythegun

    new player confused about server

    Regular servers (non private hives) share the same items. Private Hives do not.It really depends on the servers and whos hosting them. They can have the private hives or whitelist servers they own, can share items or not. Like right now I play on a whitelist server called "bmrf" They have 3 private hive servers, and they all share the same information/items. Like I said, it depends on the host. 1 tip I wanna give you, don't get attached to your gear, you're already dead in DayZ. It's only a matter of time.
  7. livbythegun

    new player confused about server

    Private hives don't share the same information. So say I log onto "Butter and Eggs - Private Hive" and get loot etc. Then later I log onto "Airplane crash - Private Hive" I won't have the same loot as the last server. I would start a new survivor instead.But some private hives share the same info. But that's usually a whitelist server. My suggestion is to stick to one server.
  8. When you get the time, you should also watch my 'Kamenka Loot Route' video.
  9. It's sometimes really random actually. I will be behind a zombie while crouching and not aggro, but do the same thing 5 minutes later and I aggro. It's really not consistant; most zombies hang out in the middle of the town or streets. I usually use the back alleyways and roads to avoid those clumps. It also depends if your crouching on the grass/sidewalk or the actual road. Roads are f*ckin loud.
  10. True. But I was trying to get a message across, don't get greedy. You don't need extra food or a chance to find a ghillie suit. Once you have the essentials get the F*ck out. Cherno isn't a joke, the longer you spend in towns like that, the more likely you'll die. Either by zombies blocking you in ONE-WAY buildings (apartments) or snipers. There's really no stealth way of approaching apartments. Your footsteps can be heard throughout the whole building and even onto the next one. Players can be waiting for you to walk up stairs before they unload on you. Or they can just wait outside until you leave the apartments to tear you apart. I've done this countless times to survivors that's why I know it happens all the time. I've died plenty of times in the apartments and it just wasn't worth the risk, even if I was making a tutorial.
  11. livbythegun

    Newbie looking for help to get started

    Hey Boosly, here's a link to my tutorial video playlist I have on my youtube channel. I suggest you start out with "How to Loot Elektro Tutorial" it has some good tips on how to approach big towns and how to avoid zombies as well as players. While teaching you the efficient ways to collect loot and avoid getting killed.I highly suggest watching the Kamenka Loot Route after that also. It's a peaceful route with not many players or zombies to deal with. You will learn how to navigate without much tools also.
  12. Thanks for the feedback Trizzo. Very good analysis. You have some good techniques that I will consider using.
  13. I've recorded looting Cherno multiple times, but nothing really excited happened. When I recorded this one, I was really pleased with the situation that were provided to me. For example, having a sniper ontop of a roof, some gun fire, other survivors looting buildings. So right when I was leaving Cherno to go to the north, I saw the sniper in the corner of my screen. I immediately stood up from crouching and started to run towards the bus stop. That shot scared the shiz out of me mainly because I had this awesome recording and dying at the end would just ruin it for me and the viewers. My heart beat was racing like never before when I peeked out to take a shot. So luckily zig zagging helped me and I made it out alive. :D
  14. http://www.youtube.c...uN?feature=mheeClick on that to go to my channel.
  15. Actually, for time issues, I skipped the part where I picked up an M1911 (the pub I found the en field in) So that's why I skipped over that pistol in that market.
  16. https://www.youtube....h?v=ziqkJUH3thI
  17. I could hear perfectly fine after i broke my legs. Who the hell would anticipate 2 grenades at the perfect time and place? There are no AS-50s on this server. I hear no cracks, no shots or anything when I break my legs and literally lose 10k blood. I actually DIE right before I hear shots headed into my direction. THERE ARE ONLY m24s and CZ sniper rifles on this server! but they are EXTREMELY rare.
  18. livbythegun

    [Video] Stalking Two Strangers
