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Everything posted by livbythegun

  1. livbythegun

    [Video] Kill Carter - My Personal Vendetta

    Thanks honeybun!
  2. livbythegun

    DayZ Memes

    This is a screenshot I took of a friend. I photoshopped the interface out and added a caption :D
  3. They were thinking they were alone... :DEveryone on my Livestream was begging me to kill them all. But I just didn't have the heart to.
  4. Stary and Zele are pretty much in a valley surrounded by hills and forest. Extremely dangerous but also extremely fun and exciting :D
  5. Thanks man! I had lots of fun livestreaming that day. That player carter was just icing on the cake. Especially when I get my revenge a 2nd time :D
  6. livbythegun

    [Video] The Best Tip in DayZ [0:46]

    thanks for the feedback!
  7. livbythegun

    [Video] The Best Tip in DayZ [0:46]

    Turned into a bandit.
  8. livbythegun

    Day Z Videos

  9. livbythegun

    [Video] Kill Carter - My Personal Vendetta

    The most satisfying kill ever...
  10. 1000$? Do you need the laptop? for traveling etc? Your other option would be buying parts and building a desktop. With 1000$ you can build a computer 4-6x better than any laptop for that price. If you're worried about building your computer, I was in the same boat, I went to youtube and looked up step by step guides. And bam, I built my own computer.
  11. Airfield then Cherno?! That's like 18k meters. My route will save you some time then :P
  12. Sorry for the Ad, I don't benefit from it. http://www.twitch.tv/livebythegun/b/331355072
  13. livbythegun

    Day Z Videos

  14. Thanks! :DI really don't know why that bike is ALWAYS there for me. Maybe it's because it's well hidden or it might be a respawn bug. Who knows. Who cares! FREE BIKE!
  15. So true. That's why I usually don't underestimate zombies, because they can break your legs on the first hit if you're really unlucky.
  16. I will take that into consideration. I thought I was alone in the super market >_< I put too much trust in my headphones.
  17. isn't it just peaceful?! When you approach Zelenogorsk is where you should be on your toes. I learned the hard way, almost killed that innocent survivor. He was so scared, as was I.