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About Frunk

  • Rank
    Woodland Warrior

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  • Gender
    Not Telling
  • Location
    North Carolina
  1. Frunk

    Bandit makes a fatal mistake!

    Lol nice job, funny stuff
  2. Frunk

    AS50 TWS

    I'm pretty sure tents are broken right now, even if you take everything out, and save the tent. All the items will come back after server restart.
  3. Frunk

    hacker on SG#2

    I've heard spamming "V" will help you in those free fall situations. (Never experienced this myself though)
  4. Frunk

    How Do I Get A Moderator To Read A Post??

    Play on another server, they don't want you lagging on their server. I'm not sure why people complain about servers They pay the monthly fee, they can do whatever the hell they want, it's THEIR server. You don't like it, go to anohter server.
  5. Frunk

    Did i do the right thing?

    You did the right thing, if you didn't kill him, he would have probably killed you. You can't trust anyone in Dayz.
  6. Frunk

    Halp with artifacts

    Sorry, I only halp intelligent people.
  7. I bought the game just to play Dayz. Never even tried Arma 2 by itself. It's a lot of fun, and IMO, it's worth the $30 or so dollars to buy the game. Who knows how long it will be before the stand alone comes out, mine as well enjoy the game now. If you stick to lower populated servers, hackers are not an issue. I've never encountered a hacker in over a month of playing Dayz. Also it gives you a bit of practice to be ahead of the curve for when the stand alone is released.
  8. Frunk

    Dayz commander question

    If you updated to the latest Arma2 Beta 95948, you won't be able to join some servers. It depends on the server settings I believe, some servers with older Arma2 Beta patches, you'll be able to join. Some of them will boot you out of the game for bad version. If you don't have a set server you play on, on the left side of Dayz Commander, Check the 2 boxes to Hide Wrong Dayz and Arma2 versions, and you should be able to join those servers for sure.
  9. Frunk

    Question about maps/GPS

    Cool Thanks
  10. Frunk

    95248 > 95883 = no mas?

    I believe white is talking about the Settings in Dayz Commander. Go to the Settings in the upper right corner of Dayz Commander, and under Steam Options, the 2nd check box down, is Replace ArmaOA 2 files with the Beta.
  11. Frunk

    Stupid bikes always disappear

    I know what happened......Ni_ _ a stole my bike....bike, bike, bike....Ni_ _ a stole my bike!
  12. What's with all these trading threads, oh what's this worth, what can I trade this for? It's worth whatever the heck someone wants to give you in the trade. There is no currency, there is no set trading deals, it's relative to the person you're trading with. If you are lucky enough to even get a fair trade without getting owned.
  13. If you want a computer that will play games on the HIGHEST settings possible for the next few years, it's going to cost a lot more than $1,000 or so. For your price range, you can still get a nice gaming machine, but it's not going to be able to play future games on the highest settings for years to come. If you can settle for changing to Normal type graphic settings in the next few years, you can get that for your price range.
  14. At least he made a new abbreviation in his rant, DHP = Dick Head Players. And I like how he compains about the fiends trying to be the BEST, and his forum name is Dayz ELITE LOL. Sounds to me he is an upset fiend, who wanted to be the best, but got his butt kicked by thy DHP's.
  15. Frunk

    Account Takeover?

    Maybe you got hacked by a nice hacker, who wanted to point out some important things on your map for you :). Didn't get you killed, didn't take your gear, just marked your map a little for ya.