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Everything posted by Mark359

  1. us 632 Time: 4:00 am to 4:30 Eastern time Name: Uncle Mcpeanut Repeatedly teleporting to every single player on the map and killing them over n over n over. Server went from 16 people to 4 people because everyone kept dying over n over. he killed me 3 times in different locations across the map as i spawned over a span of 5 minutes. lost ALL my gear because of this fucking douche. Please ban him. No fucking life.
  2. My friend and i just spawned (my name: Mark, Friends name: Nickdogv) on the server. I was left of electro beside the lighthouse. my friend was in oatmel. Seconds later, a guy spawned on the island of oatmel, and shot my friend to death. That same player seconds later spawned at the lighthouse beside me ( which is a 15 minute walk ) and shot me. I saw him spawn out of thin air and it was the same name as my friends killer. My friend Respawned again in oatmel and the guy wasnt there ( he was busy killing me ). 20 seconds after i died he respawned near my friend nick and killed him a second time. There was 4 people on the server at the same. it was 100% the same player. These hackers ruin the game. PLease ban him. Time of hack: 12:20am Eastern time. Server: Seattle 104 Freeside (v1.7.2.4 beta 95417) Veteran Name: Penis fist of DOOM
  3. Mark359


    whats standalone? I've been playing this game for 1.5 months. havnt seen a single hack. then all of a sudden in past 4 days ive seen people spawn everyone in mid air 900 metrs up, people kill EVERY player on the server at same time, teleporters, god mode... What the fuck? Why all of a sudden... Oh not to mention people spawning hundreds of helicopters and ammo boxes.