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Everything posted by Xucphra

  1. Xucphra

    DayZ Developer Blog 8th March

    I had super amazing special battleship with a bigger board.
  2. Xucphra

    DayZ Developer Blog 8th March

    *Some shady movement behind the screen*... Miss Ninja'd my turn.
  3. Xucphra

    Always low fps

    Arma 2 is pretty processor intensive.
  4. Xucphra

    Help! I can't aim or fire!

    Anybody know why that happens? Some fancy technical error or something? I'm curious.
  5. Xucphra


    Isn't it a little underhanded to use someone else's thread to promote your own videos? On topic: I think there's a valid point in what DrGonzo said. People usually prefer to watch 1-2 minute clips of shenanigans over drawn-out diary type things.
  6. Xucphra

    DayZ Developer Blog 8th March

    |x|-|X| |-|-|-| |P|0|0| My X is bigger than yours
  7. Xucphra

    L85A2 AWS Still in BP?

    I remember when I picked up an AWS a while ago after they had removed it from the loot table, the scope was blackened out so you couldn't use it. It didn't take up one slot though, that's odd. I'm not sure what else they would've needed to do with it. With the scope blacked out it was just another assault rifle.
  8. Xucphra

    DayZ Developer Blog 8th March

    I'd settle for a sceenshot or a few sentences (maybe both at once if we're lucky). It'd be nice to see something as opposed to nothing.
  9. Your character is tied to your CD key. If you're using someone else's Arma 2 installation, you'll be using their CD key and therefore their character. You'd have to swap out the CD keys or reinstall Arma 2 using your account.
  10. Xucphra

    DayZ Developer Blog 8th March

    To the best of my knowledge, most of the moderators were just active forum members that got promoted as volunteers to moderate the forum they frequented. They had a normal forum account just like you before that, and they'd have the same account if they left that service. I'm sure most of them consider it a privilege to help out around here. Why do they have to hold their opinions to themselves just because they moderate the forums now? They play the game like everybody else, and they share their ideas in a civilized manner. You're more than allowed to disagree with them. I don't see how it's unexpected or problematic that the people who actively play BI games and respect the staff are inclined to support them.
  11. Xucphra

    in need of help

    I think you need a better launcher.
  12. Xucphra

    tetris like inventory managment

    You mean like a Deus Ex style inventory?
  13. Xucphra

    Advice for new player

    Battleye didn't sell you Arma 2, Bohemia Interactive did.
  14. I thought they fixed that. Doesn't it carry over the exact same amount of rounds now? 6/6 round revolver -> 6/7 round m1911?
  15. Xucphra

    How do you fight players in CQC?

    Full auto. It's not a waste unless you miss.
  16. I love the G17. I can't find anything wrong with it. Accuracy, range, noise, recoil and magazine size are all exceptional. The flashlight is a bonus too.
  17. Xucphra

    Infection and the spread effect

    I think it's pretty safe to assume that if you haven't been infected at the point in a zombie apocalypse where DayZ takes place, you probably won't keel over because you walked near a dead guy. You get bitten and scratched at all the time by zeds and never get sick, why would it make sense that a dead body could give it to you?
  18. Xucphra

    Help with DLC

    I don't think so. You'll need Arma 2 and OA to play DayZ.
  19. Xucphra

    Just to clarify...(installation q.)

    You shouldn't have any problem.
  20. Xucphra


    I can't help but smile as I read your post. Beans for you.